The American city
The American city of Detroit filed for bankruptcy on July 18. It was the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in the US history by debt, estimated to be $18-20 billion
The American city of Detroit filed for bankruptcy on July 18. It was the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in the US history by debt, estimated to be $18-20 billion
Typhoon Haiyan, an exceptionally powerful tropical cyclone, devastated the Philippines in early November. Over 6,000 people were killed in the typhoon.
The year also witnessed a show like no other as the world’s largest gathering took place in the northern city of Allahabad on 11 February. Several million people bathed at the confluence of the Ganges […]
Seventy-two people were killed after the famous Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi in Kenya was attacked by unidentified gunmen on September 21.
The year also marked the rise of controversial Hindu nationalist leader Narendra Modi as the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party’s candidate for PM in next year’s general elections. The Gujarat chief minister, accused of not […]
Eighty-five-year-old Pope Benedict XVI resigned on February 28 on ground of health, thus becoming the first Pope to resign since 1415. Jorge Mario Bergoglio succeeded him as the Pope in March.
Seventy-nine people were killed while 140 were injured after a train overturned and got derailed due to over speeding. The tragedy occurred between Madrid and Ferrol on July 24.
The sungrazing comet disintegrated after coming close to the sun on November 28. The US federal government witnessed a shutdown and halted most of its routine operations after the Congress failed to enact a legislation […]
Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, who came to power in June 2012 after the fall of a long dictatorial regime, was ousted from power by the military on July 3.
The author finds fault with cultural organizations who dabble in politics. In fact, US administration will do well to screen these organizations who, if allowed to have their own way, may pose a threat to […]
Twenty-four persons were killed while 377 were injured after a deadly tornado hit Moore, Oklahoma and other adjacent areas in the USA between on May 20.
Iran signed a crucial nuclear deal with the USA and five other world powers on November 24, marking it as a significant foreign policy achievement of the Barack Obama Presidency.
On September 16, a gunman shot 12 people and injured three others in a mass shooting at the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) headquarters inside the Washington Navy Yard in Southeast Washington DC.
On February 16, a meteorite exploded over Chelyabinsk in Russia and rained fireballs over a vast area that damaged property and injured over 1,000 people.
Pakistan’s teenage activist Malala Yousufzai stole the headlines throughout the year. On July 12, she spoke at the United Nations where she stressed access worldwide access to education. She also received various awards.
The tenure of Hillary Clinton, wife of former US President Bill Clinton, as the US Secretary of State came to an end on February 1. She was succeeded by John Kerry. Clinton, sources said, is […]
Another year is gone. And here we have a new one. We human beings tend to calculate time too much. Time is money. We keep thinking in America in terms of hourly wage. No time […]
The historic anti-graft bill The Lok Pal Bill has been passed by both houses of the Parliament and the UPA Government deserves the gratitude in sensing the sentiment of the people and doing the right […]
The Navratra festivities ended in tragedy when 110 pilgrims including women and children were killed and more than 100 injured in a stampede on a bridge leading to the historic Ratangarh temple in Datia district […]
The year 2013 will be remembered for the challenges it threw up for the ties between the world’s two largest democracies, including a row triggered by the arrest and strip-search of an Indian diplomat in […]
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