Beware of the consequences of disregarding recommendations of health experts

Prof. Indrajit Saluja

Politicians all over the world, by and large, are guided by similar lust for power. For them, all is fair in love and war. Their standards of morality are grounded deep in immorality. Of course, there are exceptions. Once in a while, you see a politician who is unlike his breed. He is not a politician. He is a visionary. He is a philosopher. He is a saint.

For the traditional politician, to grab power, to hold on to power, and to stay on in power, by hook or by crook is his most pious duty. He is not the one to ever doubt his ability to continue to wield power. In a democracy, power flows from the people, and he knows well how to influence them and get their support and vote.

Thus, a Trump is ready to risk the lives of his blind faithfuls at his rallies where  he declares his defiance to the threat of the deadly Coronavirus, encourages them to insult the wisdom of the health experts who recommend certain precautions to keep the virus away. The health experts recommend covering of face in public, but the President of the country would tell the rallyists by his example of not wearing a mask, that face covering is not required, and that the idea of  social distancing is  a stupid one. And his cronies join him in propagating the hoax.

We know for certain that many who attended the Trump rallies suffered the consequences. They got infected. Many of them may have recovered, but many of them may still be fighting for survival. Innocent people fall a prey to the machinations of vile politicians; we have known it for long.

Take a cue from a former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie who until the other day  was mixing around in the Rose Garden in White House, without a face covering. He  realized, after he got infected, that health experts are right, and that their recommendations are for the protection of the people,  and has now recommended that the guidelines issued by CDC be followed.

I will expect people like Chris Christie to take upon themselves to educate Americans of the dangerous consequences of disregarding the recommendations of health experts to protect themselves from the deadly virus which has already claimed more than 215,000 precious American lives, and struck more than a million, and is still raging all over America, threatening to bring more misery in the approaching winter season.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay blessed.




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