Stand for your Rights: Stand for your values Each vote counts: Get out and vote

Democracy survives when citizens stand for their rights and their values. It is their voice which makes their elected representatives take care of their concerns. An unconcerned people will have only unconcerned and indifferent administrators. So, folks, get out and vote. Already, a big chunk of American voters, around 52 million,  have cast vote in early voting. They are the ones who made up their mind and voted. It is heartening to know that there is unprecedented enthusiasm among American voters. We are told this election on November 3 will go down in history as having the highest percentage of voting in a century. Early voting is smashing records across the country: A few months  ago, some questioned whether the U.S. could pull off an election during a raging pandemic. And here we are, with the highest voter turnout in early voting in decades. The momentum must not be lost. Each vote counts. And each eligible voter must vote.  There are some lethargic souls everywhere who may just shrug off the importance of casting a vote. It is for volunteers in both the parties- Republicans and Democrats- to reach out to them and persuade them to take part in the democratic process of having people of their choice to represent them. Let us not forget we get the government we deserve. Vote then to have a government of your choice, a government which can deliver to your expectations, a government which you may call your own.

The future of America is in your hands.

God bless America!

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