Dec 21: Despite being misunderstood and reviled, make excellent headway, receive sudden and probably secret help, get funds, have love, and are on your way to happiness.
Dec 22:Ganesha says, this formation leads to expenses and a danger of being cheated or at least misled. It would be best not to take the easy way out but to get at the truth. Journey and ceremony make you happy.
Dec 23: It favors very particularly lawyers, musicians, architects, pharmacists, film stars and directors and producers, copywriters and visualizers, wholesale merchants, agriculturists and scientists. It means childbirth, financial augmentation and the luck of the draw.
Dec 24: Excellent for money, journey, ceremony, publicity, marriage, long-distance connections and collaborations. In short, your efforts will bear fruit (pun intended).
Dec 25: This moon helps you to grow, evolve, be tenacious and have the drive to succeed. Many of you will be marking new beginnings, following the policy of “run till done” or getting it done completely. You will set high standards and love will claim you.
Dec 26:There is nothing you cannot achieve. Be imaginative, old and take chances, at least that’s what this solar-scopical reading does say. Financially it is a sizzling year. Romantically, it is an ecstatic year. Be happy.
Dec 27:Ganesha says wishes will be fulfilled. Friendship, money and love, children and hobbies all come together for you. Give of yourself to others also is the astro-message. Thunderously happy birth year.
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