- County Executive Curran Announces School Sports Back in Play in Nassau County
MINEOLA, NY (TIP): Nassau County has been given the green light for all school sports (including football, basketball, wrestling, cheerleading, ice hockey, lacrosse, and volleyball) to resume effective February 1st 2021in accordance with guidance released last week by Governor Andrew Cuomo, announced Nassau County Executive Laura Curran. “I’ve been a staunch advocate for organized sports, so I’m thrilled to get our kids back on the fields, courts, mats, and ice rinks they love so much. School sports help keep our young residents safe and healthy, and for some are a path to promising academic and career opportunities”, she said.
Curran has directed the Health Department to require school districts who opt-in to the resumption of sports deemed “high-risk” to adopt New York State’s guidance in its entirety, including:
No more than 50% occupancy indoors (players and spectators)
No more than 2 spectators per player
6ft distance when possible
Distance markers
Face coverings for athletes (when possible) coaches, and spectators
Hand hygiene stations and maintaining sanitation practices as per the CDC
Health screenings for athletes, spectators, employees
County Executive added, “Ultimately, this decision will be up Nassau’s 56 independent School Districts, who are also welcome to implement additional protocols, such as testing. Regardless, I urge residents to continue using common sense and vigilance. School Districts, students, and the health department have worked incredibly well together to ensure schools remained opened most of this school year, and I have no doubt that they will be able to come up with plans best fit for individual districts”.
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