Akshaye Khanna is all set to make his debut on OTT with the ZEE5 film titled State of Siege: Temple Attack. Produced by Contiloe Pictures, the film will be based on the 2002 attack at Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Over 30 people lost their lives in the attack and more than 80 were left injured. The National Security Guard (NSG) pinned down the terrorists and brought the situation under control. The film comes after the platform’s re-telling of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks in State of Siege: 26/11.
Akshaye will be seen playing the role of a special task force officer, who will be in charge of the mission. Excited about donning the uniform in the film, Khanna in a statement shared, “To be able to wear ‘the uniform’ without taking the oath of the ultimate sacrifice — this is a privilege that only an actor is afforded. My only focus during the making has been not to disrespect that privilege.”
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