Maharashtra health department has said five people have died from the Delta Plus variant of the coronavirus and as many as 66 cases have been detected in the state so far. The department said on Friday, August 13, that a revision in the state’s Covid-19 infection tally was made after a fresh case of the Delta Plus variant was detected from the Thane district a day before.
Of the five deaths from the Delta Plus variant reported in Maharashtra, two are from the Ratnagiri district while one each has been recorded from Mumbai, Beed, and Raigad. Of the 66 patients down with the Delta Plus variant of the virus, seven were aged under 18, the PTI news agency reported.
An 80-year-old woman from Ratnagiri was the first person in the state to succumb to the Delta Plus variant, followed by a 63-year-old fully-vaccinated woman from Mumbai.
Although the Mumbai woman had taken both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, she tested positive for the coronavirus. A resident of the suburban Ghatkopar area, she died on July 27 in the ICU of a hospital. Authorities detected the Delta Plus variant in her case on August 11, over an entire fortnight after her death.
According to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), at least two close contacts of the victim were also found infected with the same variant.
The PTI news agency reports that of all the Delta Plus patients in Maharashtra, the maximum belongs to Jalgaon (13) in the northern part of the state, followed by Ratnagiri (12) and Mumbai (11).
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