How can anyone not love Mayor Mike? I do. He has tried his best to make NYC the very best it can be, and make the life of every New Yorker the very best possible. Indeed, he sought mayoral control of the schools, which I happily supported in Albany and helped get it for him, because I believe that Mike is genuinely passionate about what he believes in: be it wanting to do the right thing or to punish those who disagree with him. He loves New York, and has spent nearly a billion dollars, out of his pocket in campaign and charity dollars, to be the 108th Mayor.
Frankly, I wish he had run for president, as he promised, at Eliot Spitzer’s swearing-in as governor in Albany. Imagine, how America would improve with President Bloomberg curbing “K Street.” Politics, media and money-to-spend makes a power-trifecta. Nobody is perfect, and neither is Bloomberg – but his heart, passion and pocket are all lined up in his effort, as he sees as “doing the right thing,” with some not “so right people” he has to deal with. The issue, however, maybe that his “baseline” for context in all things may, well, not be in sync with those he wishes to help. His view is more akin to the Greek God Zeus. And, it is recalled that Greece gave us benevolent dictators. All good efforts: No smoking, no transfats, no soda, no salt, and soon to come in a 4th term with a Quinn and Vito Lopez: 2000 caloric intake a day, no alcohol, and no separation of powers, and no judges – who are banned if they disagree with him.
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