Bollywood‘s favourite yoyo dieter Vidya Balan is at it again. This time the actress is on a dieting spree to shed the pounds for her next venture with Emraan Hashmi. Vidya had cut a rather full figure in her last film with the actor, ‘Ghanchakkar’, where she played a loud mouth Punjabi housewife. But in the upcoming Mohit Suri project produced by Vishesh Films, Vidya will portray a florist working in a posh hotel chain and the actress is in a bid to quickly lose the pounds in a bid to fit the prim mould of the character. The filmmakers did not ask Vidya to lose weight, but she knew that the role demanded that she be trim. She is an intelligent artiste who puts in a lot of effort to portray characters convincingly, so she is on a strict diet and exercise regime.
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