Beauty essentials to carry when you’re travelling

When you are out for a holiday, the last thing you want is your skin and hair to react to the change in the weather and for it to go bad. Beauty products that suit your skin and are essential for your hair should be handy at that time. Packing all your beauty and skin care regime essentials should be on the top of your priority while packing for a vacation you are more than excited for.

Overnight masks

Ditch the same boring moisturiser or night cream that your slather on every night before going to bed. Overnight masks are the latest beauty hack that women across the world are opting for. These masks work wonders on your skin and replenish your skin overnight.

Dry shampoo

As much as we’d like to pamper ourselves while on holiday, washing your hair every other day can be a pain especially if you have long tresses. Simply use Dry shampoo to clean your hair and you’re good to go.

Bright lipsticks

 Nothing can brighten up your face more than a dash of red or pink lipstick. Even if you don’t want to apply any other makeup, the lipstick alone is enough to brighten up your face.

Hair clips

Carry extra hair clips and hair bands in a small pouch so that you can tie your hair up in a neat top knot or braid before you embark for your sightseeing tours.


Instead of spending precious minutes applying foundation, skip that part and simply dab some Concealer on your face.


 Unless you want to return from your trip looking like a fried lobster, it’s important to carry and apply Sunscreen every couple of hours.

Travel Manicure Kit

The last thing you should be focusing on rather than enjoying your holiday is a chipped nail or an extra brow hair. The travel manicure kit has essentials to take care of this because it takes over your mind. You could also add an extra needle and thread to sew if something in your perfect vacation outfit goes wrong.

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