Sonakshi Sinha is all set to play leading lady in yet another venture – this time in her brother Kussh Sinha’s upcoming project. Kussh Sinha will be making his directorial debut with the film Nikita Roy And The Book of Darkness and it is expected to feature Sonakshi in the lead role. Sonakshi Sinha took to Instagram to share the first look poster of the film which features amidst a mysterious backdrop. While details of the film are kept under wraps, the actress also revealed that actors Paresh Rawal and Suhail Nayyar will be playing prominent roles in the film. The actress posted it saying, “# NikitaRoyAnd TheBookOfDarkness Filming begins soon ???? Making his directorial debut is @kusshssinha and im looking forward to sharing screen space with the dynamic @pareshrawalofficial sir and @suhailnayyar!”
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