It’s been a decade since actor Sunny Leone embarked on a journey in Bollywood, opening a new chapter in her life, but there are days when her past life comes back to haunt her. However, she says has learnt not to get bothered by these hiccups. Leaving her career in the adult film industry of the West, Leone started her Bollywood journey with Pooja Bhatt’s Jism 2, going on to create a name in the industry, and an empire for herself. “As (compared to the) person who entered the industry in 2012, I am a completely different person from then. And I think for the better. I love being here, I love this industry. I’m happy for all the work that I’ve gotten to do and lots of good choices and lots of bad choices,” Leone says. The 41-year-old continues, “But within those bad choices, good things did come out of it. And there has been a huge learning curve and being able to meet some of the most amazing people and knowing that this is my home. I love every second of it. I had no idea that I would love it as much as I did when I first moved here. I am ever grateful to all the fans who supported me because without them I really would not be here”.
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