Bollywood celebrities Rakhi Sawant and Sherlyn Chopra have filed FIRs against each other for using objectionable language, according to the police on Wednesday. The Mumbai Police said that upon the complaint of Chopra, an FIR was registered against Rakhi Sawant and advocate Falguni Brahmbhatt. “FIR registered against actress Rakhi Sawant & adv Falguni Brahmbhatt under multiple sections of IPC & IT Act on the complaint of an actress. The complainant alleges that the 2 showed an objectionable video of her during a press conference and used objectionable language,” Mumbai Police said.
On the other hand, Rakhi Sawant filed a case against actor Sherlyn Chopra at Mumbai’s Oshiwara police station. Rakhi Sawant said, Sherlyn in her video accused her of changing boyfriends. Rakhi told the police that Sherlyn Chopra had uploaded a video on YouTube and Instagram on November 6, 2022, in which Sherlyn had made objectionable remarks against her and used abusive language. The Oshiwara police started the further investigation by registering a case under sections 500, 504, 506 and 509 of the IPC. Earlier this month, in the latest development in Sherlyn Chopra and Rakhi Sawant’s ongoing controversy, the former shared a tweet saying nudity is not equal to consent.Taking to the microblogging site Sherlyn wrote in Hindi, “Hamari ladai yaun shoshan/yaun shoshan krne waalon ke khilaaf hai. Nyay ki guhar lagaane ka hmaara samvaidhanik (constitutional) haq (right) hai. Ye haq humse koi nahi cheen sakta hai. Ye baat hamaare aaropiyon ki behnein sun lein aur samajh lein. Nudity is not equal to consent. Vastraheen hona razamandi nahi.”
Source: ANI
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