MUMBAI (TIP): The BSE benchmark Sensex on November 1 hit a life-time high of 21,293.88 by gaining over 129 points in opening trade on sustained foreign fund inflows in banking, auto, metal and realty sectors. Rising for the fourth straight session, the Sensex rose 129.36 points, or 0.61 per cent, to trade at record high of 21,293.88 points, surpassing previous intra-day record high of 21,206.77 reached on January 10, 2008. It had rallied 594.24 points in the past three sessions. Stock brokers said sentiments remained bullish on continued foreign funds inflow and the RBI easing liquidity situation by cutting marginal standing facility (MSF) to 8.75 per cent in its monetary policy on Tuesday. The wide-based National Stock Exchange index Nifty rose by 33.45 points, or 0.53 per cent, to 6,332.60. A mixed trend in the Asian region also influenced the trading sentiment here, they said. The BSE realty sector index was trading 1.50 per cent higher to 1,363.65 as stocks of DLF moved up (1.58 per cent), followed by HDIL (3.05 per cent), Unitech (0.57 per cent).
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