Sony Entertainment Television’s singing reality show Indian Idol 13 celebrated Rani Mukerji in the ‘dream finale’ episode in the presence of the actress herself. Making an appearance for the first time on the show, Rani not only promoted her upcoming film, Mrs. Chatterjee V/s Norway, but also enjoyed the performances by the top seven contestants. Bidipta Singh from Kolkata impressed everyone by singing Tumhi Dekho Na and Chup Chup Ke from the movies Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna and Bunty Aur Babli, respectively. Rani said, “I’ve done a variety of films but my favourite genre is romance. I enjoy doing romantic films with my hero; the one and only Shah Rukh Khan. The first song you sang, Tumhi Dekho Na, is one of my career’s best. We had filmed Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna in New York, and I remember that it was extremely cold in September.”
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