Alia Bhatt joined some of the biggest Hollywood stars on a recent video by fashion house Gucci. The celebrities championed gender equality as part of a new campaign. Alia was recently announced as the face of the brand not just in India, but internationally. Alia took to Instagram and Twitter to share the Gucci video. With it, she wrote in the caption, “Excited to be chiming in for Gucci Chime’s 10th Anniversary Campaign! Gucci chime for gender equality. Chime in.” The video begins with Ozark star Julia Garner introducing herself, followed by Halle Bailey, John Legend and Salma Hayek Pinault, who says that she ‘chimes for gender equality’. Then Daisy Edgar Jones, Alia, Serena Williams, Julia Roberts and Idris Elba show their support for ‘education, strength, dignity’. “We chime as one,” Idris says in the end. Alia’s fans left comments for her on the Gucci video on Instagram. “Bollywood queen Alia Bhatt,” wrote one. “Alia and Salma, my favourite. Alia with someone of my nationality is my win,” wrote another. Alia got the most attention in the comment section compared to others. The actor recently attended the Gucci Cruise 2024 show in Seoul, South Korea. The Gangubai Kathiawadi actor donned a mini black dress with polka dotted cutout. She completed her look with black platform heels and a Gucci Jackie 1961 transparent bag. Last month, Alia was announced as the first Indian global ambassador of the luxury fashion brand, Gucci. Taking to Instagram, the fashion brand shared the news and captioned it, “Alia Bhatt is the House’s newest Global Brand Ambassador. To mark the occasion, the actress, producer, and entrepreneur were captured with the Gucci Bamboo 1947 bag.”
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