Somvati Amavasya is a very important day in Hinduism. Amavasya which falls on Monday is called Somvati Amavasya. Somvati Amavasya falls only once or twice in a year. This fast is observed by married women for the long life of their husbands.
Somvati Amavasya Vrat is also known as ‘Ashwath Pradakshina Vrat’ in the scriptures. ‘Ashwath’ means Peepal tree. Lord Vishnu resides on the Peepal tree. Therefore Lord Vishnu is also worshiped on the day of Somvati Amavasya. On this day, bathing and charity are considered to be the best of all. According to the words of sage Vyasa, on this day, by meditating, fasting, fasting, one gets the virtuous fruit of thousands of cows.
It is believed that in the Mahabharata, Bhishma, explaining the importance of this day to Yudhishthira, said that a person who bathes in the holy rivers on this day will be prosperous, healthy and free from all miseries. It is also believed that taking a bath gives peace to the souls of the ancestors.
Somvati Amavasya Worship
On this day, there is a rule to worship Peepal by wrapping the thread 108 times and doing circumambulation. There is also a law to worship Lord Vishnu on this day. Paddy, betel and standing turmeric are mixed and offered ritually on the Tulsi plant. At the time of Pradakshina, 108 fruits should be kept aside and donated to Vedapathi Brahmins at the time of completion.
Fruits and Significance of Somvati Amavasya Puja
This is the main fast of women. Women observe this fast for the longevity of their husbands. On the day of Somvati Amavasya, charity should be given according to one’s ability. Women who cannot observe fast on every new moon should observe fast on Somvati Amavasya and circumambulate the Peepal tree 108 times by wrapping it in a thread. Peepal tree should be worshiped lawfully. By observing this fast one gets eternal good fortune. Monday is the day of the moon. On this day the Sun and the Moon remain in a straight line. Therefore, this festival is considered to be of special merit.
Somvati Amavasya Katha
There are many stories related to Somvati Amavasya. Tradition has it that these stories are recited ritually on the day of Somvati Amavasya. There was a poor Brahmin family, which had a husband, wife and a daughter. The daughter slowly started growing up. With time, all the feminine qualities were developing in that girl. The girl was also beautiful, cultured and virtuous, but due to being poor, she could not get married. One day a monk came to the Brahmin’s house, who was very pleased with the service of the girl. Blessing the girl for a long life, the sage said that there is no marriageable line in the girl’s palm. The Brahmin couple asked the sadhu the remedy that what should the girl do in such a way that marriage becomes a yoga in her hands. After contemplating for some time, the sage meditated with his insight and told that in a village at some distance, a woman of Dhubi caste named Sona lives with her son and daughter-in-law, who is very well-mannered and well-mannered and husband. is paranoid. If this girl serves him and that woman puts vermilion on her demand in her marriage, after that this girl is married, then the Vaidya yoga of this girl can be erased. The monk also told that that woman does not go anywhere. Hearing this, Brahmani asked his daughter to serve the washerman.
The girl would wake up early in the morning and go back to her home after going to the washerman’s house, cleaning and doing everything else. Sona Dhobin asks her daughter-in-law that you wake up early and do all the work and do not even know. The daughter-in-law said that mother, I thought that you wake up in the morning and finish all the work yourself. I get up late. On this, both the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law started monitoring who is the one who leaves early in the morning after doing all the household chores. After several days, the washerman saw that one girl came face to face in the dark house and left after doing all the work. When she started leaving, the Sona washerman fell at her feet, asking who are you and why do you hide like this in my house. Then the girl told everything that was said by the sage. Sona was a washerwoman husband, she had brilliance. She got ready. Sona Dhobin’s husband was a little unwell. He asked his daughter-in-law to stay at home till his return. As soon as Sona Dhobin applied vermilion to the girl’s demand, her husband went. He came to know about this. She had left the house without water, thinking that if she finds a peepal tree somewhere on the way, she will take water only after giving her a whirlpool and circumambulating it. That day was Somvati Amavasya. Instead of the poo-dish found at the Brahmin’s house, he circumambulated the peepal tree 108 times by giving bhavri 108 times with pieces of brick and after that took water. As soon as she did this, the dead body of her husband started vibrating.
Rituals of Somvati Amavasya
Devotees must take a holy bath before sunrise and wear fresh and tidy clothes.
The devotees must observe a fast of Somvati Amavasya and worship Peepal tree.
After offering prayers to the Peepal tree, married women tie a red or yellow colored sacred thread around the trunk of the tree by taking 108 Parikrama (rounds) of the tree in a row.
After that, devotees offer vermillion, sandal paste, milk, and flowers to the tree and sit under it and recite the sacred mantras.
Devotees should also worship Lord Vishnu and recite Shani Mantra
Devotees must also take a dip in sacred rivers in order to attain prosperity and pray for the salvation for the forefathers.
Devotees must make donations and perform charities of clothes, food, money and other essentials to the needy.
Observing a silence vow (Maun Vrat) by the devotees is also regarded as very beneficial and fruitful.
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