God Bless America !

4th of July stirs mixed feelings, the dominant being a confidence that we can and shall overcome. 3 years ago, Covid struck down all traditional ceremonies, leaving Americans to celebrate the event in a shorter edition, with limited ceremonial celebration. The pomp, pageantry, parades, shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of America to another did not appear to be a possibility then. But Covid is gone, and we are back in 2023 to grand celebrations of a historic moment. This 4th of July is witnessing a new energy which is bound to add a new chapter to American history. Let us celebrate the new energy.

American history is full of struggles and challenges. We have always, as a nation, stood up to them. Remember what John F. Kennedy said: “The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.”

American history is replete with internal dissensions and conflicts. We overcame them and continued to grow stronger. We have been involved in conflicts abroad because we wanted to protect the weaker nations against the stronger and wily nations. We wanted to protect democracies. We fought wars for the idea of democracy and freedom. We lent strength to the democratic world. We paid a price, and a heavy one in losing our valiant men and women in the wars. Yet, we remained steadfast and strong, and continued to grow stronger.

This 4th of July reminds us of the commitment of America to protect others as well as we protect ourselves. That is why we have laws that allow people from all over the world to come to this country to escape tyranny in their lands or to live the American dream. We have welcomed them earlier, and we need to continue to welcome them. They come and depend on us, and then become great assets for America. They contribute to the growth and strength of America. Let us celebrate our diversity. Let us celebrate our unity. Let us celebrate our humanity. Let us celebrate our strength.
God bless America!

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