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CONTD FROM Vol 7 ISSUE 45 || 3 || 2 || 24 || AASAA: I am bothered by my mother-in-law, Maya, and loved by my father-in-law, the Lord. I fear even the name of my husband’s elder brother, Death. O my mates and companions, my husband’s sister, misunderstanding has seized me, and I am burning with the pain of separation from my husband’s younger brother, divine knowledge. || 1 || My mind has gone insane, since I forgot the Lord. How can I lead a virtuous lifestyle? He rests in the bed of my mind, but I cannot see Him with my eyes. Unto whom should I tell my sufferings? || 1 || Pause || My stepfather, egotism, fights with me, and my mother, desire, is always intoxicated. When I stayed with my elder brother, meditation, then I was loved by my Husband Lord. || 2 || Says Kabeer, the five passions argue with me, and in these arguments, my life is wasting away. The false Maya has bound the whole world, but I have obtained peace, chanting the Name of the Lord.

|| 3 || 3 || 25 || AASAA: In my house, I constantly weave the thread, while you wear the thread around your neck, O Brahmin. You read the Vedas and sacred hymns, while I have enshrined the Lord of the Universe in my heart. || 1 || Upon my tongue, within my eyes, and within my heart, abides the Lord, the Lord of the Universe. When you are interrogated at Death’s door, O mad-man, what will you say then? || 1 || Pause || I am a cow, and You are the herdsman, the Sustainer of the World. You are my Saving Grace, lifetime after lifetime. You have never taken me across to graze there – what sort of a herdsman are You? || 2 || You are a Brahmin, and I am a weaver of Benares; can You understand my wisdom? You beg from emperors and kings, while I meditate on the Lord. || 3 || 4 || 26 || AASAA: The life of the world is only a dream; life is just a dream. Believing it to be true, I grasped at it, and abandoned the supreme treasure. || 1 || O Father, I have enshrined love and affection for Maya, which has taken the jewel of spiritual wisdom away from me.

|| 1 || Pause || The moth sees with its eyes, but it still becomes entangled; the insect does not see the fire. Attached to gold and woman, the fool does not think of the noose of Death. || 2 || Reflect upon this, and abandon sin; the Lord is a boat to carry you across. Says Kabeer, such is the Lord, the Life of the World; there is no one equal to Him. || 3 || 5 || 27 || AASAA: In the past, I have taken many forms, but I shall not take form again. The strings and wires of the musical instrument are worn out, and I am in the power of the Lord’s Name. || 1 || Now, I no longer dance to the tune. My mind no longer beats the drum. || 1 || Pause || I have burnt away sexual desire, anger and attachment to Maya, and the pitcher of my desires has burst. The gown of sensuous pleasures is worn out, and all my doubts have been dispelled. || 2 || I look upon all beings alike, and my conflict and strife are ended. Says Kabeer, when the Lord showed His Favor, I obtained Him, the Perfect One.

|| 3 || 6 || 28 || AASAA: You keep your fasts to please Allah, while you murder other beings for pleasure. You look after your own interests, and so not see the interests of others.What good is your word? || 1 || O Qazi, the One Lord is within you, but you do not behold Him by thought or contemplation. You do not care for others, you are a religious fanatic, and your life is of no account at all. || 1 || Pause || Your holy scriptures say that Allah is True, and that he is neither male nor female. But you gain nothing by reading and studying, O mad-man, if you do not gain the understanding in your heart. || 2 || Allah is hidden in every heart; reflect upon this in your mind. The One Lord is within both Hindu and Muslim; Kabeer proclaims this out loud. || 3 || 7 || 29 || AASAA, TIPADA, IK-TUKA: I have decorated myself to meet my Husband Lord. But the Lord, the Life of the Word, the Sustainer of the Universe, has not come to meet me. || 1 || The Lord is my Husband, and I am the Lord’s bride. The Lord is so great, and I am infinitesimally small. || 1 || Pause || The bride and the Groom dwell together.

They lie upon the one bed, but their union is difficult. || 2 || Blessed is the soulbride, who is pleasing to her Husband Lord. Says Kabeer, she shall not have to be reincarnated again. || 3 || 8 || 30 || AASAA OF KABEER JEE, DU-PADAS: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: When the Diamond of the Lord pierces the diamond of my mind, the fickle mind waving in the wind is easily absorbed into Him. This Diamond fills all with Divine Light; through the True Guru’s Teachings, I have found Him. || 1 || The sermon of the Lord is the unstruck, endless song. Becoming a swan, one recognizes the Diamond of the Lord. || 1 || Pause || Says Kabeer, I have seen such a Diamond, permeating and pervading the world. The hidden diamond became visible, when the Guru revealed it to me. || 2 || 1 || 31 || AASAA: My first wife, ignorance, was ugly, of low social status and bad character; she was evil in my home, and in her parents’ home. My present bride, divine understanding, is beautiful, wise and wellbehaved; I have taken her to my heart. || 1 || It has turned out so well, that my first wife has died. May she, whom I have now married, live throughout the ages. || 1 || Pause || Says Kabeer, when the younger bride came, the elder one lost her husband. The younger bride is with me now, and the elder one has taken another husband.

|| 2 || 2 || 32 || AASAA: My daughterin- law was first called Dhannia, the woman of wealth, but now she is called Raamjannia, the servant of the Lord. || 1 || These shaven-headed saints have ruined my house. They have caused my son to start chanting the Lord’s Name. || 1 || Pause || Says Kabeer, listen, O mother: these shavenheaded saints have done away with my low social status. || 2 || 3 || 33 || AASAA: Stay, stay, O daughter-in-law – do not cover your face with a veil. In the end, this shall not bring you even half a shell. || 1 || Pause || The one before you used to veil her face; do not follow in her footsteps. || 1 || The only merit in veiling your face is that for a few days, people will say, “What a noble bride has come”. || 2 || Your veil shall be true only if you skip, dance and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. || 3 || Says Kabeer, the soul-bride shall win, only if she passes her life singing the Lord’s Praises. || 4 || 1 || 34 || AASAA: I would rather be cut apart by a saw, than have You turn Your back on me. Hug me close, and listen to my prayer. || 1 || I am a sacrifice to You – please, turn Your face to me, O Beloved Lord. Why have You turned Your back to me? Why have You killed me? || 1 || Pause || Even if You cut my body apart, I shall not pull my limbs away from You. Even if my body falls, I shall not break my bonds of love with You.

|| 2 || Between You and I, there is no other. You are the Husband Lord, and I am the soulbride. || 3 || Says Kabeer, listen, O people: now, I place no reliance in you. || 4 || 2 || 35 || AASAA: No one knows the secret of God, the Cosmic Weaver. He has stretched out the fabric of the whole world. || 1 || Pause || When you listen to the Vedas and the Puraanas, you shall know that the whole world is only a small piece of His woven fabric. || 1 || He has made the earth and sky His loom. Upon it, He moves the two bobbins of the sun and the moon. || 2 || Placing my feet together, I have accomplished one thing – my mind is pleased with that Weaver. I have come to understand my own home, and recognize the Lord within my heart. || 3 || Says Kabeer, when my body workshop breaks, the Weaver shall blend my thread with His thread. || 4 || 3 || 36 || AASAA: With filth within the heart, even if one bathes at sacred places of pilgrimage, still, he shall not go to heaven. Nothing is gained by trying to please others – the Lord cannot be fooled. || 1 || Worship the One Divine Lord. The true cleansing bath is service to the Guru.

|| 1 || Pause || If salvation can be obtained by bathing in water, then what about the frog, which is always bathing in water? As is the frog, so is that mortal; he is reincarnated, over and over again. || 2 || If the hard-hearted sinner dies in Benaares, he cannot escape hell. And even if the Lord’s Saint dies in the cursed land of Haramba, still, he saves all his family. || 3 || Where there is neither day nor night, and neither Vedas nor Shaastras, there, the Formless Lord abides. Says Kabeer, meditate on Him, O mad-men of the world. || 4 || 4 || 37 || ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: AASAA, THE WORD OF THE REVEREND NAAM DAYV JEE: In the one and in the many, He is pervading and permeating; wherever I look, there He is. The marvellous image of Maya is so fascinating; how few understand this. || 1 || God is everything, God is everything.Without God, there is nothing at all. As one thread holds hundreds and thousands of beads, He is woven into His creation. || 1 || Pause || The waves of the water, the foam and bubbles, are not distinct from the water. This manifested world is the playful game of the Supreme Lord God; reflecting upon it, we find that it is not different from Him. || 2 || False doubts and dream objects – man believes them to be true. The Guru has instructed me to try to do good deeds, and my awakened mind has accepted this.

|| 3 || Says Naam Dayv, see the Creation of the Lord, and reflect upon it in your heart. In each and every heart, and deep within the very nucleus of all, is the One Lord. || 4 || 1 || AASAA: Bringing the pitcher, I fill it with water, to bathe the Lord. But 4.2 million species of beings are in the water – how can I use it for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny? || 1 || Wherever I go, the Lord is there. He continually plays in supreme bliss. || 1 || Pause || I bring flowers to weave a garland, in worshipful adoration of the Lord. But the bumble bee has already sucked out the fragrance – how can I use it for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny? || 2 || I carry milk and cook it to make pudding, with which to feed the Lord. But the calf has already tasted the milk – how can I use it for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny? || 3 || The Lord is here, the Lord is there; without the Lord, there is no world at all. Prays Naam Dayv, O Lord, You are totally permeating and pervading all places and interspaces. || 4 || 2 || AASAA: My mind is the yardstick, and my tongue is the scissors. I measure it out and cut off the noose of death. || 1 || What do I have to do with social status? What do I have to with ancestry? I meditate on the Name of the Lord, day and night. || 1 || Pause || I dye myself in the color of the Lord, and sew what has to be sewn.Without the Lord’s Name, I cannot live, even for a moment. || 2 || I perform devotional worship, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. Twentyfour hours a day, I meditate on my Lord and Master. || 3 || My needle is gold, and my thread is silver. Naam Dayv’s mind is attached to the Lord. || 4 || 3 || AASAA: The snake sheds its skin, but does not lose its venom. The heron appears to be meditating, but it is concentrating on the water.

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