For faster development of India, discard the other-worldly humbug

Indian philosophy professes 200% life – full exploration and full flowering of the inner and outer worlds.   

By Parveen Chopra

India is on the path to development with alacrity since independence. But at this juncture, it will be worthwhile to point out that what kept India backward for a thousand years was not just foreign rule, but also the distorted understanding of the core of Indian philosophy as it manifested in the four dharmic traditions – Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.

Unfortunately, the misconception gained ground somehow that this world is illusory, and renunciation is the way to achieve spiritual enlightenment and attain liberation from the cycle of life, death and rebirth. This when Hinduism clearly listed sanyas as the fourth and last station in human life. This when Vedas are replete with richas and rituals to invoke prosperity. And when you come to Sikhism, even their priestly class are enjoined to remain householders.  Truth be told, Indian philosophy professes 200% life – full exploration and full flowering of the inner and outer worlds.

This was reinforced for me when I recently reconnected with Shri Virendra Qazi, a scholar and practitioner of Kashmir Shaivism, whose program I am arranging on Long Island next month. He explained to me the one difference this lesser-known darshan has with Vedanta. “The world is not mithya or illusory, but is also Divine. Kashmir Shaivism teaches total harmony in the material world with the highest techniques of Divine realization,” he said, pointing out that their saints don’t wear saffron.

Living the 200% life is also the underpinning of my web magazine, Launched at the Indian Consulate in New York in January this year, Lotus’ content not only presents wisdom from various religious and spiritual traditions but also DIY techniques and the latest from science on how to be productive and successful while staying healthy and happy. We at Lotus have no compunction, for example, in running an article headlined ‘Yes, money can buy you happiness’, of course, suggesting in the how part: invest in experiences, engage in prosocial spending, etc.

Happy Independence Day!

 (Parveen Chopra is the founder of, a wellness and spirituality web magazine. You can get their biweekly newsletter free in your inbox by subscribing for free at He can be contacted at 516 710 0508 ) 


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