Pakistan should apologise for 1971 liberation war, says Bangladesh minister

NEW DELHI, Dhaka (TIP): : Pakistan should apologise to Bangladesh for its actions during the 1971 liberation war, said AKM Mozammel Haque, the country’s minister for Liberation War Affairs, during his visit to New Delhi on Octobere 26.
The Bangladeshi minister went further to state that Pakistan’s apology was the only way their relationship would improve with Bangladesh, adding that they can never forget the role India played to help them find their own country where they got back the respect that had been lost.
“Pakistan should apologise to us for 1971. They were barbaric with Bangladeshis and we are grateful that Indians came to our rescue. That is how we got liberated. To commemorate the Indian soldiers who fought for us we are making a monument in Bangladesh which will have their names engraved so that people remember their sacrifice. It would be completed by December,” said Haque.
“Pakistan supports terrorists that is why they could do well in their economy. In the name of Islam what they have done and are doing they cannot be supported. No Islam-loving nation will like Pakistan. It is not a democracy and this is why they haven’t progressed,” Haque added.
The Awami League leader also condemned Canada for giving shelter to the killers of the country’s first president Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. “It is not acceptable that countries like Canada are giving asylum to killers who should be handed over to Bangladesh,” he said.
Meanwhile, Bangladesh today honoured the families of 10 Indian war veterans and also gave away scholarships to the kin of the veterans in Delhi. Bangladesh will be giving out a total of 200 scholarships of $1000 each to young students who are mostly grandchildren of Indian war veterans.
“We don’t want to forget the contribution of Indian war veterans and these scholarships would ensure that not just the families of the Indian veterans remember their sacrifice but also Bangladeshis,” Haq said.
Meanwhile, Haq visited the Army Hospital in Delhi and interacted with Bangladeshi freedom fighters (muktijodhas) who are undergoing treatment there. Three Bangladesh freedom fighters are undergoing treatment in Army Hospital Research and Referral. The Muktijodhas have been extended the facility as a special gesture by the Indian government.
A marching contingent of the Bangladesh army took part in the Republic Day parade of 2021, the third time foreign soldiers marched down Rajpath (now Kartavya Path) as part of India’s biggest ceremonial event. The contingent was invited to take part in the parade at a time when the two countries were celebrating the golden jubilee of the birth of Bangladesh. (ENS)

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