Haley Endorsement will play a big role: Indian Americans For Trump

Trump Should Bring Her on to Crush Opposition

WARREN , NJ (TIP): When Nikki Haley says, “Trump hadn’t been perfect.” And, then turns around and adds, “But Biden has been a catastrophe, so I will be voting for Trump,” she provides the best ammunition to Trump against Biden. Further, if she goes to crowds or utters such words at any of her press meets, she will attract maybe millions of votes for Trump nationwide. She has a strong following with the women voters—a voting population where Trump could use some help. This could very well make the difference between victory and defeat or Trump vs. Biden.

Indian Americans for Trump 2024 urges Trump to come to some understanding with Nikki Haley, short of the VP slot, and bring her on board. Let her join him a few times infrequently and let Americans know the difference that Trump will make as the incoming president.

The Indian Americans for Trump 2024 urges all Americans, irrespective of their nationality, race, color, gender, or creed, etc., to join us in our effort by supporting Donald J. Trump in his endeavor to make America great again by reelecting him to be the President of the USA. They encourage all Americans to volunteer or become members of this all-volunteer organization or ask for more detail by contacting President Dr. A. D. Amar at amardamar@yahoo.com, Vice President Aparna Virmani at av01319@gmail.com or Vice President Anura Rupasinghe at Anura@Rukyshipping.com. There is no membership fee or financial obligation to join the committee. Indian Americans for Trump has functioned since 2016.

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