New Delhi (TIP)- Parliamentary proceedings were disrupted on Thursday, December 5, after BJP leaders accused Congress’ Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, of being a “traitor of the highest order” with alleged ties to international forces aimed at destabilising India’s democracy. The BJP also linked Gandhi to US billionaire George Soros and the investigative media group Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), prompting strong protests from the Congress. The Lok Sabha saw uproar after BJP MP Nishikant Dubey raised the issue during the zero hour, leading to chaos and a two-hour adjournment. Opposition members accused Dubey of using “derogatory” language against Rahul, further escalating tensions. The Congress-led opposition stormed the well of the House during the Railways Amendment Bill discussion, forcing a full-day adjournment.
The SP and Trinamool Congress remained seated during the protests and BJP MP Jagdambika Pal, who was in the Chair, adjourned the Lok Sabha for the day. Similar disruptions were witnessed in the Rajya Sabha, where BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi alleged “external attacks on national interest”, sparking protests.
The BJP’s claims stem from a report by French publication ‘Mediapart’, which alleged that OCCRP is funded by the US government, Soros’ Open Society Foundation and European entities. The BJP accused OCCRP of publishing reports critical of India, which the Congress allegedly used to target the government and domestic business interests. BJP MP Sambit Patra said, “I don’t hesitate to call the Leader of the Opposition a traitor.” He claimed that Rahul follows directives from OCCRP. “Such agencies work for the interests of their funders, and Rahul, by aligning with them, is betraying the entire country,” Patra alleged.Congress MP Manickam Tagore wrote to LS Speaker Om Birla, expressing concern over Patra allegedly using “slanderous language” against Rahul and sought stringent action against the ruling party leader.
Source: TNS
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