Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse : Mr. Pluralist of America

Prof. Saluja and Dr. Ghouse at a Thanksgiving celebration in Dallas.
  • By Prof. Indrajit S Saluja

I was in Dallas publishing The Indian Panorama  from there when I met Dr. Ghouse. It was some 13  years ago, and since then, I have been  watching his consistent work on diversity and pluralism, including his articles published in The Indian Panorama-ever truthful News magazine.

During our research on individuals who have significantly impacted the lives of others, we were captivated by Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse. It inspired us to interview him to explore how he embodies diversity in every aspect of his life. We felt compelled to refer to him as “Mr. Pluralist  of America” because of his remarkable ability to connect with people from various faiths, races, ethnicities, cultures, sexual orientations, conservatives, progressives, and different political affiliations. Pluralism runs through his veins, and he wholeheartedly embraces Lincoln’s wisdom of “malice toward none,” which he states, has “brought him immense happiness.”

Letting go of biases toward others can help you discover the joy of connecting with every person with ease. This sense of freedom adds meaning and happiness to life. Accepting and respecting how people dress, eat, and practice their beliefs can lead to an enriching experience. Embracing diversity is a sure path to a peaceful life. With this excellent perspective, we decided to share Dr. Ghouse’s experiences.

Dr. Ghouse’s Early Life in a Diverse Environment

The most influential persons in Mike’s life- his mother and father.

Dr. Ghouse grew up in a diverse environment and credits his parents for this upbringing. His father served as the mayor of Yelahanka in the 1950s, one of the oldest towns in the region (over 600 years old). Yelahanka was ruled by Kempe Gowda, the chieftain who laid the foundation of Bangalore in 1537 AD. It is said that Kempe Gowda lived in the home where Dr. Ghouse grew up.

As a child, he accompanied his father to different homes and enjoyed a variety of foods from Hindu, Christian, Jain, and Sikh families. His mother engaged weekly in conversations with the only Zoroastrian woman in the town. At the same time, his father and maternal grandfather often discussed Shia-Sunni theology, allowing Dr. Ghouse to absorb a wealth of knowledge from these diverse interactions in a civic and pluralistic framework.

He continued this tradition with his children, taking them to various places of worship, from Atheist to Zoroastrians and everyone in between in Dallas, including an LGBTQ church, Wicca, Pagan, and Native American gatherings. He said he did not want his children to espouse bigotry towards another American.

The Flour Mill: A Hub for Community Interactions

His father’s flour mill attracted individuals from various backgrounds, including Adivasis (tribals), Gypsies (Banjara/Khandari), Hindus, Dalits, Sikhs (from Yelahanka Airforce Base), Jains, Christians, and Muslims. They all came to the mill to have their wheat, millet, and rice ground into flour and get extra polish to rice.

As a teenager working alongside his father in the mill, he learned to respect the diversity of his community by listening to and engaging with the diverse individuals who spent over two hours each visit. Fortunately, the mill was the only one for miles around.

Interfaith Dialogues and Spiritual Exploration

During his teenage years, Dr. Ghouse participated in interfaith dialogues with his English professor, Dr. A. Ramachandra, and Fakhru Bhai, a Muslim weaver. Both deeply understood Hinduism and Islam, providing him with a solid foundation in interfaith learning during the late 1960s.

In college, he attended the Mosque on Fridays and joined singing bhajans (Hindu devotional songs) at the temple on Bazaar Road Saturday nights. Wednesdays were dedicated to learning Buddha’s teachings at the Mahabodhi Center, and he attended church monthly. Although he did not fully subscribe to the traditional depictions of God in various religions, he cherished visiting all places of worship and thoroughly enjoyed the essence of their teachings as suited him, always reflecting on the beliefs people held.

Dr. Ghouse remained irreligious for nearly 30 years before re-embracing Islam in the late ’90s. He credits this return to the wisdom he found in the Bhagavad Gita and the writings of Karen Armstrong.

Career and Global Exposure

After completing college, he worked at the Food Craft Institute in Bangalore, where he had the opportunity to interact with students from various communities and countries. Every year he enjoyed nearly 60 unique dishes prepared by international students as part of their culinary training. This experience was akin to practicing pluralism through cuisine—accepting and respecting diverse foods—which enriched his experience of cultural diversity.

In the late 1970s, Dr. Ghouse worked in Saudi Arabia as the deputy controller for Fluor Arabia’s largest project, valued at $5.3 billion. He managed five remote sites for a gas gathering project that was converted to liquefied natural gas, collaborating with colleagues from 44 different nationalities across South Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, and the United States.

Contributions to Real Estate and Community Building

His experience at the Food Craft Institute and Fluor Arabia enhanced his ability to understand and pronounce various names and accents, facilitating easier communication. Additionally, he developed a deep appreciation for diverse cultures, foods, clothing, and music, interacting with the given diversity, and collecting music tapes from around the world that he enjoyed listening to.

Over the years, Dr. Ghouse gained valuable experience in real estate, including homebuilding, working with major Dallas Builders like Drees Custom Homes, Gemcraft Homes, Grand Homes, and Bluffview Builders. Additionally, leasing, and property management, all while working with people from different backgrounds.

Throughout this time, he had the opportunity to build and live in six new homes in diverse neighborhoods in Dallas, before ultimately choosing to live in an all-Black community in Southeast Washington, D.C.

Founding the Center for Pluralism

At the Center for Pluralism, he has organized and led four annual events – Unity Day USA, Thanksgiving, Holocaust & Genocides, Festival of Faiths – and numerous seminars, including on Capitol Hill. Over 40 workshops were held to understand the essence of 12 different religions, along with producing 780 hours of engaging radio programming focused on religion.

The Dallas Morning News has published around 250 of his pieces on interfaith topics, while the Huffington Post has published over 100 of his articles. His work has been featured in more than 300 newspapers worldwide, including several major publications. Dr. Ghouse aspires to encapsulate these remarkable experiences in a book. Over the past 26 years, more than 50,000 attendees at these events have left with an open heart and mind toward fellow humans.

Promoting Interfaith Harmony Through Weddings

Dr. Mike-Ghouse-Officiates a Hindu-Muslim Interfaith Wedding in Mexico City.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of his life has been officiating nearly 500 interfaith weddings, uniting individuals from different faiths, races, and ethnicities. It is an immensely rewarding experience to marry people from Japan, Korea, and Vietnam in the east, to Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, Somalia, and Nigeria in the middle, as well as from the UK, France, and Sweden in Europe, and of course, from Latin America and the Middle East, representing 60 ethnicities and counting.

Nearly 40,000 people have walked out of the ceremonies respecting other faiths. Additionally, he has worked with over 500 families to ensure seamless and joyful wedding celebrations. These experiences have allowed him to travel to over 50 cities across America and Canada, and he has officiated countless destination weddings in Mexico, with plans to officiate worldwide Muslim Virtual Nikah, Nikah+, and interfaith marriages.

Vision for a Pluralistic Future

He is committed to shaping America’s future. Ten years from now, it will be common to see people of different faiths, races, cultures, and ethnicities interacting, working, studying, mingling, playing, and even marrying each other. These new interactions may lead to conflicts, potentially pitting one group of Americans against another, with biases creeping into people’s hearts taking away their happiness.

As responsible citizens, we must prepare ourselves to prevent such conflicts, ensuring that every American can live securely with their faith, culture, gender, race, sexual orientation, political beliefs, or ethnicity.

Dr. Mike Ghouse debating at the famous show with Sean Hannity -110 shows in all with success.
Dr. Mike Ghouse speaking at Mega immigration rally in Dallas attended by 8000 people.
Mike Ghouse at Cheyenne Nation with George.
Mike Ghouse chose to live in a Black Neighborhood.

Dr. Ghouse’s Personal Life and Legacy

Mike is approaching his 73rd birthday. Despite being on dialysis, he leads a full and active life every day of the week. Mike is grateful to God for all that he has, and he welcomes a kidney donor. His greatest joy comes from his loving and caring wife, Fatima, whom he considers a true blessing.

Together, they cherish their lives. Mylord Fatima Reyes Tosta is also a partner in interfaith marriages and officiates extensively for Latin American weddings.

To sum up, Dr. Mike Ghouse is a Social Scientist, Interfaith Wedding Officiant, Public Speaker, author, activist, and a TV Commentator. He is deeply committed to Pluralism in Religion, Politics, Societies, Human rights, and religious freedom. He is the founder and president of the Center for Pluralism and the Director at the World Muslim Congress, a think tank.

FAQs About Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse

  1. Who is Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse?
    Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse is an advocate of pluralism and interfaith harmony, often referred to as “Mr. Diversity of America” due to his unwavering commitment to inclusivity.
  2. What is the Center for Pluralism?
    The Center for Pluralism, founded by Dr. Ghouse, promotes respect for all faiths and cultures through events, workshops, and outreach programs.
  3. How many interfaith weddings has Dr. Ghouse officiated?
    Dr. Ghouse has officiated nearly 500 interfaith weddings, uniting couples from over 60 ethnicities and various faiths.
  4. What is Dr. Ghouse’s book about?
    His book, American Muslim Agenda: Building a Cohesive America, discusses fostering harmony among individuals of all backgrounds.
  5. How has Dr. Ghouse contributed to media?
    Dr. Ghouse has authored articles for publications like The Dallas Morning News and Huffington Post and has been featured in over 300 newspapers worldwide. He has further appeared on 110 Hannity shows at Fox News and other national TV and Radio syndicated programs.
  6. What are Dr. Ghouse’s future aspirations?
    He plans to author several books on pluralism, interfaith harmony, and raising interfaith children, as well as produce a movie promoting free speech and honoring what is sacred to people. His dream is to open an educational institution to teach practical pluralism in religion, culture and the workplace. 


  1. The first time I heard Mike speaking he was being interviewed in the radio about his upcoming Unity Day event on 9/11/2005 in the Dallas area. I was so impressed with his pluralistic message that I, my wife and a whole host of friends and colleagues attended this unifying event.
    We must stand together. An attack on one faith is an attack on all.

    Thank you, Mike, for your continuing service to this cause. Keep moving forward!

  2. Thank you for this article on Mike Ghouse. May it be an inspiration to many others. I too have known Mike for some time and you can add to his long list of faiths that he has embraced with love and understanding, the Church of Scientology. We have spent many hours together in our office which led to us hosting interfaith dialogues. Mike’s heart and his love of all people is something that we can all aspire to. Mike truly knows that we are all spiritual beings and our paths may be different but loving one another we can respect each other and help each other – thanks Mike for being in our lives!

  3. Mike Ghouse Dedicated His Life To Promote Pluralism And Build Harmonious Communities:
    I thank Prof. Saluja for writing an inspiring article about Mike Ghouse. He has covered many aspects of his life that are unfamiliar to many readers.
    I have known Mike for over 40 years when he was in Dallas and embarked on his journey with interfaith and intra-faith dialogue to bring people of different faiths and aqeedah on the same platform. He firmly believes that getting together and having a dialogue removes misunderstandings and myths about religious beliefs. People see an actual human being behind his faith who has more similarities than differences. In addition to holding small gatherings of people of different religions visiting their places of worship, he held large unity conferences to discuss commonalities among people of different faiths and recognize community leaders who promote Pluralism. I must say Mike was one of the first people in North Texas to spread Pluralism. In the small and large gatherings, he shared experiences at the World Parliament of the religion.
    Mike has taken daring steps to spread his belief in Pluralism, such as attending Quran-burning events. He was never hesitant to meet people with extremist beliefs and was openly challenged for the debate.
    He appeared several times on Sean Hannity’s show and was bold enough to challenge his opposing views.
    I met Mike last month in Dallas and was amazed to see his resilience and dedication to his cause, “Pluralism.” It was a big surprise that Mike continues to lead an active life despite health challenges. Mike is a well-respected advocate of Pluralism and interfaith harmony. Mike is a humble and dedicated humanist who believes in Pluralism and diversity. His contributions to Pluralism, interreligious dialogue, and the promotion of understanding and compassion among people of different religious, ethnic, racial, and economic backgrounds are tremendous. He wrote a great book “American Muslim Agenda. Apart from the challenges Muslims face in America, he explained that Islam is a true pluralistic religion, clarifying that God does not belong to followers of any one religion and that all human beings are His creation.
    Mike started his new compassion, “Interfaith Marriages”. He facilitates interfaith marriages for people of different faiths who fall in love. They have different religions but have a common bond of “Humanity.” He spends hours coaching couples and parents on the importance of respecting all religious beliefs.
    Mike is truly a PLURALISTIC PERSON who has a unique ability to promote Pluralism and Interfaith Harmony. I am proud of our long-standing friendship.

  4. Yehi hai Ibaadat yehi Deen-o-Imaa(n)
    Ke kaam aaye duniya mey Insaa(n) kay Insaa(n)
    Mike bhai embodies the above couplet, which simply means that service to humanity is true faith.

  5. By Walter Ruby
    It was fascinating for me to read the superb article in the Indian Panorama entitled “Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse: Mr. Pluralist of America.” I have known Mike for more than a decade and collaborated with him in the Washington D.C. on many issues and countless events related to our common cause of strengthening Interfaith relations in America, especially between Jews and Muslims, the two faiths with which Mike and I affiliate. However, until I read the account in the Indian Panorama, I knew little about Mike’s early life in India and how it shaped his identity as a stalwart champion of pluralism, a cause that is of critical importance to me as well. (I was honored to receive a Pluralist Award several years ago from former Ambassador for Religious Freedom Sam Brownback on behalf of Mike Ghouse’s Center for Pluralism).
    It was fascinating to read about Mike’s interacting with a kaleidoscope of Indians of varied religions, ethnicities, and castes at his father’s flour mill near Bangalore, a fascinatingly diverse city I had the privilege to visit in 1985. I was moved to read that already as a teenager Mike was participating in interfaith dialogues focusing on Hindu-Muslim relations, and that as a manifestation of his commitment, he attended mosque on Fridays and Hindu Temple on Saturdays. He also devoted Wednesdays to learning about the teachings of Buddha.
    Afrter reading the Indian Panorama article, I have a deeper understanding of the abiding commitment to pluralism that Mike brought with him from India, which he put brilliantly into practice when he moved to the U.S.; first to Dallas and later to Washington D.C. I was also fascinated to learn that Mike worked in the real estate field in Dallas, thereby honing his communication skills for use in his advocacy for pluralism and mutual support among people of diverse backgrounds.
    In the wake of the trauma of 9/11, which saw the first sustained upsurge of bigotry against Muslims in America, Mike understood that interreligious conversations were not enough; he would need to communicate with conservative Americans, many but not all of whom were Evangelical Christians, to help convince them that Muslims are not a threat to America. Mike did this by going where few advocates of pluralism and mutual acceptance among Americans of diverse backgrounds have gone before, a gig as a regular guest on the Sean Hannity program on Fox News. Mike appeared on Hannity scores of times, gently but insistently making the case that Islam is compatible with America, and that American Muslims, like Americans of all backgrounds are law abiding citizens who simply want to realize the American Dream.
    I must admit that I disagreed with Mike that there was any point appealing to the goodwill of Sean Hannity; who I see as an attack dog of the Right, committed to spreading fear and loathing of immigrants to America; many of them Muslims; calling them potential terrorists. I now acknowledge I was wrong, and Mike was right; it is worth going even to the likes of Hannity to get the message of pluralism, love and mutual acceptance to huge audiences, who are not hearing it anywhere else. Mike also made common cause with former Sen. Sam Brownback a conservative Republican and Evangelical Christian who is co-founder of the annual International Religious Freedom Summit, in which Mike is a regular participant. Mike has made common cause with Brownback to help ensure that the IRF does not focus exclusively on religious freedom for Christians, but for all adherents of all religions, very much including Muslims.
    As a Jew, I have been deeply moved to take part in Mike Ghouse’s Annual Holocaust and All Genocides conferences held annually in Washington D.C. on Holocaust Remembrance weekend in late January Mike has termed the annual event “A Muslim initiative” which has led to harsh criticism from some Muslims who ask why he is accented the Holocaust of the Jews and not of the Palestinians, and from some Jews and others, who say he should not equate the Jewish Holocaust with modern-day genocides like those that took place in Rwanda (Tutsis killing Hutus, Bosnia (Serbs killing Bosnian Muslims, Myanmar (Burmese Buddhists killing and exiling Rohingya Muslims) and Xinjiang (Chinese arresting and torturing Turkic Muslims and preventing them from observing their faith. Both criticisms in my mind are deeply wrongheaded. Mike featured Holocaust survivors and their descendants telling the story of what they experienced at the hands of the Nazis, but he has made clear that ‘Never Again’ must mean ‘Never Again’ for all human beings, or it has no meaning.
    These issues have become even more fraught since the explosion of the Israel-Gaza war, in which Israeli military actions have cause the deaths of 50,000 Palestinian lives, something Mike has termed a “genocide”. I do not agree with that appraisal, since I believe launched its massive attack in response to the brutal and genocidal Hamas attack on Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023, and Israel’s intent is not to kill every Palestinian. However, if after 50,000 deaths, Israel colludes with President Trump in exiling the remaining Gazans from Gaza, it would indeed qualify as genocide. In any case, Mike calls them as he sees them, and I deeply respect his moral core. He is not, God forbid, anti-Semitic or ‘anti’ any community. Mike’s ultimate love and loyalty is for all of humanity, not any subset of humans, and I am with him on that principal 100 percent.

    These days, Mike manifests his commitment to literally bringing people of diverse backgrounds together by flying around America performing Interfaith marriages, while carrying an enormous load of writing and speaking on 1000 topics, while continuing the upbuilding of the Center for Pluralism—even as he regularly receives dialysis. I have not a clue how he manages to keep it up, while maintaining an incredibly upbeat and optimistic attitude even as America is moving at least for the moment in the exact opposite direction—to a place of snarling nationalism and loathing of pluralism and democracy. Mike Ghouse is a precious resource at this frightening moment, and believe in my gut—in my kishkes, as we say in Yiddish, that Mike’s vision will ultimately prevail. One thing that I know for sure; I will be standing together with Mike and fighting together for pluralism, democracy, and human decency every step of the way forward.
    Walter Ruby is President of JAMAAT (Jew and Muslims and Allies Acting Together, an interfaith activist organization in Greater Washington.

  6. We are all from the same God, will go back to the same God. People are different in their hearts. None of us had choice and knows about our birth. Why we were born in Christian, Muslim, Hendu,…. family? Destiny?? The question is that am i in right side of the history or opposit. Good people, bad people. This is what Dr. Ghouse is doing and has tried to do. The barrier isnot religon or faith, the barrier is Fenaticism. Dr Ghouse is like a bridge that people can pass and find eachother. Thank you

  7. Mr Dr Mike Mohamed Ghouse is trying to wisely bridge the diversity to reach the onenes. He is the foster of pluralism.
    I wish him more success in his missionary journey.

  8. As a US Military combat veteran who had just returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, I found Dr. Ghouse’s message and work very inspiring. What struck me most about my experiences overseas is how people are much more similar than they are different. While in Iraq I read the Torah, Bible, Qur’an, and other religious texts, and was awestruck by how similar they all were. Regardless of country, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc., we all generally want, fear, and need the same things. In an era where “diversity” has become a dirty word, it is important to remember that we are “all in this together” (Life, that is). None of us have all the answers, but each of us can and should be thankful that we are *not* all alone in the world. Because if we were all alone, that would be a truly sad existence indeed! But with that blessing also comes a responsibility to our fellow man; at a minimum to be respectful and do our best to share the planet with others as equals, but ideally to help lift up others in less fortunate positions, as others helped lift up us. I believe Dr. Ghouse’s message of pluralism essentially encapsulates these ideas. Many people came before us, who impacted us in some way, and many people will come after us, as we will impact them. The choice is ours as to how. We are not defined by where we came from, who we were, or what we did – or even where we’re going – what defines us is who we are, and what we do now.

    I am oft reminded that Viktor Frankl, a holocaust survivor, wrote that he had an epiphany in Auschwitz: the world has only two types of people: the decent and the indecent, and even in the concentration camps one could occasionally find a decent man among the Nazi guards, and many indecent men among the prisoners. Which shall we be? It is my personal belief that when we depart this world only one thing will matter: if we were a good person towards other people – all other people. If we were, then it means we left the world in a better place than when we came to it. If not, then we were a scourge…

  9. I never met this great human but I always felt him beside me due to commonality in our thoughts. After reading the comments of esteemed friends, his respect has increased manifold. He is a rare combination of head & heart who is a gift of Allah to the contemporary world trying hard to unite different faiths. He is focusing on making us understand that humans let religions divide humanity, rather than listen to the spirit of the message which is almost the same. The reasons may be: The manipulations made by Machiavellian leaders to make people follow, so they can stay in power, rather than the message, poor understanding of holy scriptures, which are misinterpreted, misunderstood, misrepresented, and manipulated, rather than the actual message, The abuse of religion for all sorts of purposes, mostly manipulative and focused on hierarchy and power mongering, rather than the message etc. Dr. Mike Muhammad Ghouse is destined to succeed and soon the world will understand this moon on a star-spangled sky.

  10. Dr. Mike Ghouse: A Champion of Pluralism

    Prof. Indrajit Saluja’s tribute to Dr. Mike Ghouse is a well-deserved recognition of his lifelong dedication to pluralism and interfaith harmony. Having known Dr. Ghouse for years, I had the privilege of working with him on several projects during his time in Dallas.

    My first encounter with him was over the phone during his radio show, where his discussions on pluralism initially challenged my strong beliefs as a Muslim. However, after meeting him in person at a community event, I realized his sincerity and commitment to fostering mutual respect among different faiths. Over time, he invited me to various programs under Americas Together Foundation and the Center for Pluralism, strengthening our bond.

    One significant event I recall was the 6th Annual Holocaust and Genocides program in 2011, where I spoke about the 1984 Sikh genocide and the 1971 killings in Bangladesh. Dr. Ghouse’s dedication to shedding light on such issues is commendable. His work extends to performing interfaith marriages, and I was honored to witness one firsthand.

    Dr. Mike Ghouse is a rare gem in our community, tirelessly advocating for peace, coexistence, and respect among religions. The world needs more individuals like him to promote unity and understanding. I am proud to call him a friend.

  11. Damini Singh
    Current BOT Member and Treasurer of the North Texas Hindu Mandir in Dallas, Texas.
    I have known Mike Ghouse for more than 30 years and consider him a true friend.
    Mike was a very dedicated and inclusive minded personality in the DF/W Metroplex, his community work and dedication to Pluralism in our very diverse communities in the metroplex was to be lauded and his Interfaith activities encompassed and encouraged members of other religious faith to join and participate in programs that brought about knowledge and understanding of our collective faiths.
    Mike was and still is a tireless worker, he wrote, edited and published “Asia News” a newspaper with local and international news for the communities, produced a weekly radio program, celebrated Festivals of the World, and as a member of the Dallas /Fort Worth Hindu Temple and as President of the Caribbean Hindu Association of North Texas (CHANT), I was privileged to work and serve with him.
    Mike fostered community togetherness in the diverse and rapidly growing cities of Dallas and Fort Worth and its suburbs.
    Our friendship and communication have continued as he moved to Washington DC to continue his life’s vocation. I am honored to have him as a friend to whom I can always reach out to.
    Thank you
    Damini Singh

  12. Mike Ghaus has dedicated his life to pluralism and interfaith harmony for the peace and prosperity for all.. We need pluralism now more then ever before and we need people like Mike especially in light of present political environment. Pluralism brings in social respect for individuals and groups of different race, religion and color to get to each other and learn different experiences. It also provides space for dialogue of different points of views without any fear. Thank you Mike for your service to the society.

  13. Thanks for posting his remarkable story of what is possible in religious cultures. I met Dr Mike Ghouse at the Melbourne Parliament of Religions in 2009. We became instant friends as I, an academic from University of Chicago, and he were able to move freely among the various groups with respect and a sense of wonder at the marvelous plurality of persons and religions there. Although there are religious “personalities” everywhere, he embodies a true pluralist vision of the one Deity, with commitment to one (Islamic) tradition but open-hearted embrace of so many others.

  14. I have known Mike Ghouse for several years and his commitment to pluralism, interfaith unity and mutual respect is exemplary. He walks the talk. His Center for Pluralism and officiating interfaith marriages is important and much needed work. I am glad we have people like Mike Ghouse in this world to promote understand, unity and peace in this world that is getting more and more polarized and fraught with conflict and violence. As a founder and board member of a similar organization United for Peace, we deeply appreciate Mike as a valued partner in our journey towards a United and peaceful world.

  15. I have known Mike for over 15 years. Having had the offices next to each other in Washington, I have come to know Mike both professionally and personally. He not only believes but also dedicated to promoting the idea of respecting each other’s religious faith. He is a good friend and a supporter.

    John Prabhudoss

  16. Mike Ghouse is a unique person who wears many hats… his appeal is from his refusal to being closeted into one religious or ethnic group and his loud proclamation as an adherent of “Pluralism” and a passionate believer in the virtues of Diversity. He goes one step ahead and practices these principles in his life as an official who does “inter-religious” marriages and advocates verbally and through many articles, the positive aspects and need of holding onto such principles.
    He stands out as a person who advocates the need for human beings to shed inhibitions, bias, aversion and instead to embrace each other as members of one human race. This is in the best spirit of love of humanity as advocated by the Prophets and Saints of all religions. It is also the way that can pull individuals and groups from the dichotomies that afflict their lives and put them on a course of disaffection and conflict. This building of bridges between people of different backgrounds and faith is a noble mission and deserves loud acclaim. We need many Mikes and they will all enrich our lives.

  17. I’ve had the privilege of knowing Mike for so many years, and I’ve seen firsthand his dedication and passion. This recognition is well-deserved, and I couldn’t be happier for him.

    Please check if it is added in the comments or not!!

  18. Working with Mike Ghouse for long in World Muslim Congress was a highly rewarding experience. Mike is loved and respected by many, and he deserves it. A genuine “Ambassador of Pluralism” in a society that is fragmented by hatred, Mike is a divine “Bridge Builder” bringing people together. I have seen Mike upholding human dignity in all his works. He is a cool-headed Problem Solver with outstanding expertise in striking a fine balance in handling delicate and sensitive issues. Our planet is full of conflict and bloodshed, and we need more people like Mike Ghouse. All my best regards for his future endeavors – always with you, Mike!!

  19. Dr. Mike Ghouse is devoted to creating interfaith platforms, where people from various religious backgrounds can engage in meaningful dialogue and cooperation. His efforts in organizing interfaith prayers, peace rallies, and educational programs truly set him apart in the field of peace activism.

    Hiis is an innovative approach to interfaith dialogue and so is his commitment to organizing interfaith weddings. These activities not only promote religious pluralism but also create tangible experiences of unity and understanding among diverse communities.

    While he is certainly unique in his approach to interfaith dialogue and combating Islamophobia, there are many other individuals and activists around the world who are also working towards similar goals. His distinction lies in his specific contributions, methods, and the impact he has had in his communities.

    Dr. Mike Ghouse in short is a dedicated advocate of interfaith dialogue and religious pluralism, working tirelessly to promote peaceful co-existence among different religions through various events and campaigns against Islamophobia.

  20. Dr Ghouse is a true champion of acceptance tolerance and diversity. All faiths and in particular Islam proclaims all human beings are equal and any superiority is from goodness.
    His mission is noble and cultivate peacefulness.

  21. As a Hindu, I have had the privilege of collaborating with Dr. Mike Mohammed Ghouse for the past decade. We both have a major focus on the field of interfaith marriages. Over past 19 years, I have guided 1,200 young individuals navigating interfaith relationships and documented my experiences in four books. Mike is someone with whom I feel entirely comfortable discussing even the most sensitive interfaith issues.

    We have co-authored articles on Hindu-Muslim marriages, championing pluralism and addressing the shared belief that ‘Hindus are not kafir.’ To the best of my knowledge, he is the only imam in the world who conducts Hindu-Muslim Nikahs (Islamic weddings) without requiring the Hindu partner to take Shahadah (conversion). This approach exemplifies true pluralism, and I sincerely hope other imams will embrace this progressive initiative.

    Working with Mike has been an absolute pleasure, and I deeply admire his forward-thinking approach. I wish him continued success in his remarkable efforts.

  22. This article is a heartwarming and inspiring tribute to Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse, a true champion of diversity and pluralism. It beautifully captures his extraordinary journey of fostering interfaith harmony, respect, and unity among people from all walks of life. From his upbringing in a pluralistic environment to founding the Center for Pluralism and officiating nearly 500 interfaith weddings, Dr. Ghouse has dedicated his life to building bridges across cultures, faiths, and communities. His unwavering commitment to inclusivity, as reflected in initiatives like Unity Day and his extensive writings featured in global publications, showcases his genuine love for humanity. The depth of his work and his vision for a future where people of all backgrounds interact seamlessly is both empowering and enlightening. This is a story of hope, love, and unity that reminds us of the transformative power of embracing our shared humanity. Bravo to Dr. Ghouse for his extraordinary contributions and to the author for shining a light on such an inspiring life.

  23. Being raised in a diverse environment and his active participation in interfaith dialogues, Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse is a true leader for pluralism and interfaith harmony. By setting up initiatives like the Center for Pluralism and officiating interfaith weddings, Dr. Ghouse shows us that we can live in an understanding and respectful society of people of different faiths. He is an inclusive example we should all aspire to become someday!

  24. Dr. Ghouse’s commitment to diversity and pluralism is exemplary. Over the years, he has become an important voice through his speeches, writings and think tank work.

  25. Mike Ghouse is truly an exceptional individual. He embodies the qualities of a true gentleman: kind, compassionate, and always considerate of others. His intellectual curiosity and thirst for knowledge make him a scholar in every sense of the word. He embraces diversity and champions pluralism, fostering understanding and respect among people of all backgrounds. More importantly, Mike is an unwavering friend, always there to lend a helping hand and offer support in times of need. He’s someone I can truly rely on, and his friendship is a treasure beyond measure.

    Beyond being a friend, Mike feels more like a brother to me. His unwavering loyalty and genuine care have created a bond that transcends the typical definition of friendship. He’s a source of constant inspiration, reminding me of the importance of integrity, compassion, and the pursuit of knowledge. I am incredibly fortunate to have him in my life.

    • Dr. Ghouse is an example of true dedication and commitment.
      He is an outstanding leader in the field of interfaith and intercultural dialogue. In these challenging times, his willingness to relentlessly build bridges between people and foster cooperation deserves praises and is a source of inspiration.

  26. In today’s environment the promotion of interfaith harmony has become more important than ever and Mike Ghouse has chosen the most interesting niche to contribute to this; interfaith marriages. We wish him much future success, for the benefit of all of us.

  27. Dear Mike,

    I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible leadership you have shown in building a truly pluralistic organization and championing interfaith collaboration. Your vision and dedication to bringing people of diverse backgrounds together to work toward common goals is inspiring.

    Your ability to foster understanding, mutual respect, and unity among different faith communities is a testament to your deep commitment to inclusivity and dialogue. It is rare to find someone who not only believes in the power of collaboration but actively creates spaces for it to thrive.

    Thank you for being a model of leadership that brings people together and for your tireless efforts to make the world a more compassionate and harmonious place.

    With great admiration,
    Rizwan Siddiqi

  28. I have known Mike for over 40+ years. I was very surprised by his knowledge of Jainism and his efforts to understand appreciate other religions with the open mindedness which is so rare. Anekantvad one of the main principles of Jainism. It is the principle that the Truth is multi dimensional. To see a matter, situation or a person from one view point leads to tensions and conflicts.
    For Mike to understand , accept and put in application is rare but most needed in today’s tense society and the world. Mike is one of the rare individual. World peace is possible by cling Mike Ghouse.

    Wishing you the best for years to come

    Kirit C Daftary
    Past President of JAINA (Federation of Jain Associations in North America)

    SHRIMAD Rajchandra Mission Dharmpur, USA

    Board Member
    Waco Interfaith council

  29. I know Mike since many years. Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse is a public speaker, author, interfaith activist, and thought leader known for his work in promoting pluralism, interfaith dialogue, and understanding among diverse religious and cultural communities. He has contributed to conversations on religion, politics, and social harmony in the United States and globally.

    Dr. Ghouse has been involved in various initiatives to bridge divides between faiths and communities, focusing on fostering mutual respect and coexistence. He has written extensively on pluralism and is often featured in discussions about interfaith efforts and community-building.

  30. Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse is a beacon of wisdom and compassion, tirelessly fostering interfaith harmony and unity across diverse communities. His journey, from a journalist to a relentless advocate for pluralism, is marked by humility, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to justice and peace. Mike’s profound ability to see humanity and dignity in every individual makes him a true champion of inclusivity, tirelessly working to combat Islamophobia and bridge divides. His legacy of promoting understanding and respect is a testament to the transformative power of one dedicated soul. In a world yearning for peace and coexistence, Mike Ghouse stands as an exemplary leader and a cherished friend, inspiring us all to build a more harmonious and compassionate world.

  31. I’m happy to call Mike Ghouse a friend and a fellow peace loving human who sees all people as equal and deserving of all of God’s given rights. Known him for over 30 years walking on the path of peace and justice uplifting humanity through his work of pluralism and equality. May he continue to uplift and inspire people through his humanitarian work

  32. Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse tries continuously with wisdom to bring people with different faiths together so that they know better each other and make a better world for peaceful living

  33. Humility, Integrity, Sincerity, Dedication, Honesty, Leadership, Diligence and Exemplary Character! Mike Ghouse embodies all of the above. This world needs more Jewels like him!

  34. Humility, Integrity, Sincerity, Dedication, Honesty, Leadership, Diligence and Exemplary Character! Mike Ghouse embodies all of the above. This world needs more people like him!

  35. Dr.Mike Ghouse has set one of the Best examples for living peacefully in diverse cultures, by respecting others, at the same time holding value, he has been instrumental in fighting Islamophobia, building bridges between communities for a happy peace loveing world.

  36. Mike sees the humanity and dignity in every person he meets. I think that is why he is the embodiment of joy and optimism. He performs very important work with gladness and singleness of heart and does not give up in the face of difficulty. What a blessing to have him on this earth!

  37. I know Mike for the last 3 decades. He is a prominent figure in our desi community. He inspires people and promotes peace; the world would benefit from having more individuals like Mike.

  38. “Mike Ghouse is a friend and a true champion of interfaith dialogue and religious pluralism. His dedication to fostering understanding and harmony among diverse communities is truly inspiring. His work as a social scientist, author, and peace activist has made a significant impact on promoting peace and human rights. Kudos to Mike for his unwavering commitment to building a cohesive and inclusive society!”

  39. I know Mike for nearly a decade. He has dedicated his life to pluralism. His commitment to pluralism is evident from his body of work ranging from TV discussions to interfaith marriage.

  40. Mr. Ghouse is a decent and good human being. The goodness of his heart reflects in all his thought processes and way of life. I wish him well and much success and strength.

  41. I have known Dr. Mike Ghouse for several years. He possesses a unique ability to advocate for the oppressed, regardless of their religion. Moreover, he is willing to voice his opinions, even when it means going against popular beliefs. That is commendable.

  42. I know Dr. Ghouse for so many years, and I know his commitment and dedication. This recognition is well-deserved. Great article and salute to his parents. They gave good culture and opportunities to Dr. Ghouse.

  43. Thanks to Prof. Saluja’s detailed and inspiring article about Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse. While I have always admired Mike for his relentless efforts to create understanding and harmony among diverse communities, this piece illuminated so many facets of his incredible journey that were previously unknown to me and, I suspect, to many others as well.
    Mike’s story is one of unwavering dedication to the ideals of pluralism, not just in words but through decades of action. From his early life experiences in a richly diverse environment to his global endeavors, he exemplifies what it means to embrace humanity in its entirety. His ability to transcend divisions of faith, culture, ethnicity, and politics has undoubtedly contributed to building bridges where walls often exist. The Center for Pluralism and the countless interfaith weddings he has officiated stand as lasting testaments to his work to contribute to the making of a harmonious world.

    Mike’s contributions remind us how much one individual can achieve in promoting understanding and justice, even amid an often fragmented society. It’s a bittersweet realization that while Mike’s work has touched so many lives, we can’t replicate him to be everywhere he is needed. If only we had more Mikes in this world, perhaps the voices of reason, compassion, and justice wouldn’t be as rare as they often seem.

    Mike isn’t just a leader or an activist—he is a ‘complete package’ of the pluralistic ideals we all should strive for. I am grateful for his friendship and even more so for his enduring impact on the world.

  44. Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse’s life story is nothing short of remarkable, and his unwavering commitment to pluralism, interfaith harmony, and diversity shines brightly in every aspect of his work and personal life. His experiences and actions serve as a powerful testament to the idea that embracing differences enriches not only individual lives but also the broader community.

    From his upbringing in a uniquely diverse environment in Yelahanka to his global career and founding of the Center for Pluralism, Dr. Ghouse has consistently sought to build bridges between people of all backgrounds. The traditions he inherited from his parents—fostering open-mindedness and respect—have clearly shaped his worldview. His ability to live and work in harmony with individuals from different faiths, cultures, and identities is an inspiring model for building a cohesive and inclusive society.

    His contributions, including officiating interfaith weddings, hosting seminars, and publishing widely, have positively impacted tens of thousands of lives. Beyond the numbers, his work embodies the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln’s principle of “malice toward none” and shows how such a mindset can lead to personal happiness and societal peace.

    As he approaches his 73rd birthday and continues to lead an active life despite health challenges, Dr. Ghouse’s resilience and dedication remain awe-inspiring. His vision of a future where diversity and pluralism thrive as a norm is one that we can all work toward, following his example of compassion, understanding, and relentless advocacy.

    Thank you for sharing this incredible narrative. Dr. Ghouse’s story truly resonates as a beacon of hope and inspiration in today’s complex and divided world.

  45. Dr Mike Ghous is truly a force of nature as the work he’s doing seems nothing short of divinely in nature. Just as our world seems to be regressing to a state of ignorance on how our humanity binds us all together more than divide us, Dr Ghous’s work on pluralism brings me hope.

  46. Dr Mike Ghous is truly a force of nature as the work he’s doing seems nothing short of divinely in nature. Just as our world seems to be regressing to a state of ignorance on how our humanity binds us all together more than divide us, Dr Ghous’s work on pluralism brings me hope.

  47. Dr. Mike Ghouse is a force of nature! His contributions to pluralism, interfaith dialogue and promoting understanding and compassion among people of different religious, ethnic, racial economic and other backgrounds are tremendous. And he executes this beautifully as an interfaith wedding officiant, uniting couples of different faith traditions, emphasizing once again our human commonalities.

  48. In last 50 yrs I met & interacted with thousands of people belonging to different casts , religious faiths , regions , cultural heritage but yet to find a person like Dr Mike Ghouse- a multi talented personality
    May Almighty bless him with more strength, wisdom , full of energy , wealth to implement his many plans which r most needed in the present scenario. At a time where powerful leaders r shamelessly involved in committing inhumane crimes , waging wars in different parts of world , posing grave threat to morality, humanity , coexistence,peace , harmony etc , many more people like Dr Mike r earnestly needed in field for better world , community, society

  49. I feel proud to be a true friend. Congratulations on your incredible efforts in promoting pluralism across interfaith, racial, and other diverse communities! Your commitment to fostering understanding, respect, and unity in a world that so deeply needs it is truly inspiring.

    May your vision continue to touch lives, build bridges, and pave the way for a more inclusive and harmonious future. I’m proud to witness your dedication and wish you continued success in this meaningful journey.

  50. Great article by Prof Saluja on Dr. Mike Ghouse whose work to bring diverse communities closer is truly noteworthy. Mike is someone who lives and breathes interfaith and intercommunity harmony. His dedication to building bridges among diverse communities serves as an inspiration for those striving for a more inclusive and harmonious society. Through his organization, he has worked tirelessly to foster understanding and respect among people of different faiths, races, and cultures. Mike has been “waging peace” for decades. God Bless Him and may his work bear the fruit of a more peaceful and understanding world. Aameen.

  51. wow Very impressive
    Make a Netflix story of all your interfaith weddings
    We started America Together Foundation together
    You represented the vision and reached the sky
    Remember Clinton inauguration gala together
    Since then I met 7 US Presidents and learned to give back to the community as you did 25 years
    Good to know you as a true friend
    Best Wishes

  52. I’d like to thank Prof. Saluja for writing this well deserved recognition of Mike Ghouse. He’s not only a long time dear friend, he’s also my hero for all he does to promote pluralism.
    As someone who had a Hindu-Muslim interfaith marriage of over 50 years and much involved in building inter-religious dialogue and cooperation I’m grateful for his dedication to his mission.

  53. ASA to my good friend and brother Mike Ghouse. I have known Mike for 30+ years when we both lived in Dallas, Texas from the 1990’s to 2000’s . I admire his devotion to Pluralism and his dedication to bringing people together from different faith traditions and cultural backgrounds. He’s a true servant of G-D and represents the best of humanity. MAY ALLAH BLESS HIM WITH GOOD HEALTH AND LONG LIFE. He has done in one lifetime what it would take others to do in multiple lifetimes. A pleasure to call him a friend. G-D BLESS.

    Imam Yahya Abdullah

  54. I’ve had the privilege of knowing you for so many years, and I’ve seen firsthand your dedication and passion. This recognition is well-deserved, and I couldn’t be happier for you.

  55. Mike Ghouse is a humble and dedicated humanist who truly believes in pluralism and diversity. He preaches what be believes by actually practicing it in his daily life. He has performed numerous interfaith marriage ceremonies and he performs the duties of a wedding officiant as a religious obligation. His life and daily routine confirm his secular approach. In spite of his health complications, he smiles and remains pleasant and joyful. I have a great regard for this person.

  56. I have known Dr. Ghouse for many years. His dedication to serve diverse communities is admirable. He certainly believes in unity and not uniformity because everybody’s opinion is respected in America. We need more people like him in America to keep this country united and not divided. America is our home where we live, where we will die.

  57. Known Dr.Mike Ghouse for more than 30 years when he use to live in Dallas. I remember 30years ago in Dallas he use to host the Radio show. One time he invited me to talk about language Telugu and Andhra Pradesh. Keep up the good work you are doing Mike.

  58. I have known Dr. Mike Ghouse for more than fifteen years and have found him
    very pleasant and knowledgeable person. He performs a valuable community service by promoting interfaith harmony and presiding over interfaith marriages. I wish him a healthy and happy new year.

  59. I know Mike for several years. He is passionate about pluralism and peace. His energy in pursuing his passion is amazing. In his zeal to see the world in his plural framework at times his interpretation or understanding of the scope of pluralism in Islam has drawn criticism and controversy. He never claimed that his interpretation of scriptures are the absolute truth, he is honest in saying that his interpretation is according to his understanding and worldview.

    Mike’s unbound energy is uplifting and something to strive for.

  60. Dr Ghous Mike is a very well respected advocate of interfaith harmony and pluralism, who has greatly contributed to build bridges between different religions and cultures in the United States. I am sure the world would be more beautiful and safe if we can ensure social justice, human dignity and inclusive & participatory decision making on matters that affect human beings without any discrimination based on religion, color or creed. My best wishes and lots of prayers for Dr Ghous Mike for everything he will be doing to promote pluralism in 2025.

  61. Dr Mike Ghouse embraces all of humanity, examplifying what all should do and be. This is especially important in a world which has undergone incredible progress in so many areas but is displaying less tolerance and understanding in human relations.

  62. I have been a fan of Dr. Mike Ghouse for the better part of 15 years. His unwavering commitment to Pluralism is both inspiring and exemplary.

    In later years I’ve been very privileged to have gotten to know him better and to have read his amazing book “American Muslim Agenda”; a must read for any aspiring Pluralist seeking to navigate the often troubled waters of inter-faith harmony. His book is not just of academic or theoretical interest, but something he lives out everyday. And as such, he is rightly deserving of the title of “Mr. Pluralist of America”.

    Wedding officiant, political commentator, religious harmonizer, writer, activist, author, defender of minorities, promoter of social justice, and much, much more.

    By all standards through which we measure or judge human beings, we must ask ourselves if a better human being has ever graced our generation.

  63. congratulations to prof, SALUJA for Bridging our a hidden Gem in public by providing information about Mohammed Ghouse ,
    who is carrying out a selfless service for a very long time towards bringing all the communities of the world together & have been conducting dialogue between the world communities in order to build & pursue a peaceful & cohesive relationship among them aiming towards a peaceful world for all…
    syed Shafiulla saheb, secretary: All India Milli council , Karnataka state , India….

  64. congratulations to prof, Saluja for providing an eye opener information about a such a marvellous & selfless beackon of peace, a pluralist & continuous hard worker to the general public…. syed shafiulla saheb… secretary: All India Milli council , for the state ofKarnataka ,

  65. “Dr. Ghouse, your decades-long dedication to equality, meritocracy, and pluralism is a testament to your unwavering commitment to justice and inclusion. Your tireless efforts have inspired countless individuals and created meaningful change in communities far and wide. Thank you for your vision, resilience, and determination in championing a world where diversity is celebrated, fairness prevails, and opportunities are open to all. Your legacy is a beacon of hope and a reminder of the profound impact one person can make.”

  66. As the Minister of Peace of Helping Hands Inc. Humanitarian All Nations Diplomatic Mission (HHIDM), I deeply appreciate Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse’s remarkable dedication to promoting pluralism and fostering interbelief harmony.
    His life’s work exemplifies the principles of compassion, understanding, and respect for diverse cultures and beliefs, values essential for creating a harmonious and peaceful global society.
    Dr. Ghouse’s dedication to embracing diversity and his ability to connect with individuals from various beliefs and backgrounds serve as a beacon of positivity and a mark for others to follow. His work aligns with our mission of fostering mutual respect and understanding, contributing to a better world for all. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Ghouse for his significant contributions to creating inclusivity and harmony. May his work inspire more collaborative efforts to address the challenges we face as a global community.

    With commitment to humanity, peace and for sustainability,
    Hon Kaushalya Siriwardana
    Hon Minister of Peace
    Helping Hands Inc. Humanitarian All Nations Diplomatic Mission (HHIDM)

  67. I had the privilege of reading Dr. Mike Ghouse’s remarkable profile, which I found both enlightening and deeply inspiring. The piece masterfully highlights Dr. Ghouse’s unwavering dedication to interfaith dialogue, social harmony, and inclusivity. It eloquently portrays his tireless efforts to build bridges of understanding among diverse communities, serving as a beacon of hope in these divisive times.

    I also extend my heartfelt appreciation to Professor Saluja and The Indian Panorama for their thoughtful and comprehensive presentation of Dr. Ghouse’s extraordinary journey. His story stands as a powerful testament to the transformative potential of individuals driven by a vision for a more compassionate and unified world.

  68. Dr. Mike Ghouse has been spending the better part of his life towards his passion for Pluralism. His efforts towards bringing harmony and peace for betterment of society has been tremendous. His emphasis on Allah / God being Universal for all and not being limited to one set of people is very important to note. He references the 2nd verse of the opening chapter of Qu’ran for reiterating this point. He reminds everybody of the Prophet being Rahmatul’Alameen! I could go on but it is better to read him directly.

  69. Mike Ghouse is an icon of our desi community. He has been fighting for equality, meritocracy and Pluralism for decades.
    A mover of people and a lover of peace, the world needs more people like Mike

  70. Prof. Saluja, thank you for writing such a thoughtful and well researched article on Dr. Ghouse. I have known Dr. Ghouse for two decades and I have found his unwavering commitment to interfaith harmony and the idea of pluralism remarkable. A lot of people talk the talk but Mike has walked it. His passion for interfaith dialogue is infectious. One thing that I admire about him is that he is not a theoretician, he practices these values. Anyone can give lectures or write articles on shared values, but his willingness to officiate interfaith marriages is an amazing way to bring these ideas into practice. Not only two people from different faith communities are literally tying the knot but so are their families and friends. Imagine each wedding knot as a stitch and then all these weddings together become a seam that make two communities one.
    Thanks Dr. Ghouse for your amazing service to the American experiment. While many are working to tear it apart, you are working to stitch it back and make it stronger.

  71. Sir,Happy Birthday and a wonderful New Year to you! Your dedication to serving others and bringing people together makes our Muslim community a better place. Through your efforts, you’ve touched countless lives and created positive changes that ripples throughout North America.

    May this year bring you abundant joy, good health, and fulfilling moments as you continue your meaningful work. Your commitment to uplifting others is truly inspiring.
    God Bless you.

  72. Mike Ghouse is a maverick who has single handedly changed the centuries old misconception that God does not belong only to this religion or that. Mike has always quoted from all the scriptures wisdom about building peaceful and progressive societies and communities.
    Mike has consistently brought people of all faiths together through marriages. He is truly a PLURALISTIC AND SCHOLARLY PERSON. I have had a long association with Mike from the last 20 years.

  73. Mike is a Remarkable leader, a great example, a kind human being who spreads love amongst people of all faiths. He is indeed a friend who makes you feel special
    and inclusive always. We have known Mike for many years we have been in Dallas. The many events of pluralism and promoting artists are memorable especially Unity day. We are ever grateful for his efforts to bring communities closer. We wish him continued success in the coming years. We need more leaders like
    Him in our present times. Our prayers always for him, families and well wishers. Ameen. Duas always from Rafi and Shahnaz Farukhi

  74. Dr. Mike Gause has been actively involved in Islamic education, community service, and interfaith dialogue for many years. He’s particularly recognized for his work in promoting Islamic awareness, understanding, and unity. Dr. Gause is a strong advocate for social justice, civil rights, pluralism, and community empowerment.

    • Dr. Mike Ghouse is truly ” Mr. Pluralism”. His dedication to his work and to the people he serves is truly inspiring. He has touched so many people with his work and his ability to build connections and open minds. The world truly needs more people like Dr. Mike Ghouse.

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