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|| 2 || 3 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE: Now, I have come, exhausted, to my Lord and Master. Now that I have come seeking Your Sanctuary, God, please, either save me, or kill me. || 1 || Pause || I have burnt in the fire the clever devices and praises of the world. Some speak good of me, and some speak ill of me, but I have surrendered my body to You.

|| 1 || Whoever comes to Your Sanctuary, O God, Lord and Master, You save by Your Merciful Grace. Servant Nanak has entered Your Sanctuary, Dear Lord; O Lord, please, protect his honor! || 2 || 4 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE: I am a sacrifice to one who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. I live by continuously beholding the Blessed Vision of the Holy Guru’s Darshan; within His Mind is the Name of the Lord. || 1 || Pause || You are pure and immaculate, O God, Almighty Lord and Master; how can I, the impure one, meet You? I have one thing in my mind, and another thing on my lips; I am such a poor, unfortunate liar! || 1 || I appear to chant the Lord’s Name, but within my heart, I am the most wicked of the wicked.

As it pleases You, save me, O Lord and Master; servant Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary. || 2 || 5 || DAYVGANDHAAREE: Without the Name of the Lord, the beautiful are just like the noseless ones. Like the son, born into the house of a prostitute, his name is cursed. || 1 || Pause || Those who do not have the Name of their Lord and Master within their hearts, are the most wretched, deformed lepers. Like the person who has no Guru, they may know many things, but they are cursed in the Court of the Lord. || 1 || Those, unto whom my Lord Master becomes Merciful, long for the feet of the Holy. O Nanak, the sinners become pure, joining the Company of the Holy; following the Guru, the True Guru, they are emancipated.

|| 2 || 6 || First Set of Six || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL, SECOND HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: O mother, I focus my consciousness on the Guru’s feet. As God shows His Mercy, the lotus of my heart blossoms, and forever and ever, I meditate on the Lord. || 1 || Pause || The One Lord is within, and the One Lord is outside; the One Lord is contained in all.Within the heart, beyond the heart, and in all places, God, the Perfect One, is seen to be permeating. || 1 || So many of Your servants and silent sages sing Your Praises, but no one has found Your limits. O Giver of peace, Destroyer of pain, Lord and Master – servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice to You. || 2 || 1 || DAYVGANDHAAREE: O mother, whatever is to be, shall be. God pervades His pervading creation; one gains, while another loses.

|| 1 || Pause || Sometimes he blossoms in bliss, while at other times, he suffers in mourning. Sometimes he laughs, and sometimes he weeps. Sometimes he is filled with the filth of ego, while at other times, he washes it off in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. || 1 || No one can erase the actions of God; I cannot see any other like Him. Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the Guru; by His Grace, I sleep in peace. || 2 || 2 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE: O mother, I hear of death, and think of it, and I am filled with fear. Renouncing ‘mine and yours’ and egotism, I have sought the Sanctuary of the Lord and Master. || 1 || Pause || Whatever He says, I accept that as good. I do not say “No” to what He says.

Let me not forget Him, even for an instant; forgetting Him, I die. || 1 || The Giver of peace, God, the Perfect Creator, endures my great ignorance. I am worthless, ugly and of low birth, O Nanak, but my Husband Lord is the embodiment of bliss. || 2 || 3 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE: O my mind, chant forever the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises. By singing, hearing and meditating on Him, all, whether of high or low status, are saved. || 1 || Pause || He is absorbed into the One from which he originated, when he understands the Way. Wherever this body was fashioned, it was not allowed to remain there. || 1 || Peace comes, and fear and doubt are dispelled, when God becomes Merciful. Says Nanak, my hopes have been fulfilled, renouncing my greed in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. || 2 || 4 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE: O my mind, act as it pleases God. Become the lowest of the low, the very least of the tiny, and speak in utmost humility.

|| 1 || Pause || The many ostentatious shows of Maya are useless; I withhold my love from these. As something pleases my Lord and Master, in that I find my glory. || 1 || I am the slave of His slaves; becoming the dust of the feet of his slaves, I serve His humble servants. I obtain all peace and greatness, O Nanak, living to chant His Name with my mouth. || 2 || 5 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE: Dear God, by Your Grace, my doubts have been dispelled. By Your Mercy, all are mine; I reflect upon this in my mind. || 1 || Pause || Millions of sins are erased, by serving You; the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan drives away sorrow. Chanting Your Name, I have obtained supreme peace, and my anxieties and diseases have been cast out. || 1 || Sexual desire, anger, greed, falsehood and slander are forgotten, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

The ocean of mercy has cut away the bonds of Maya; O Nanak, He has saved me. || 2 || 6 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE: All the cleverness of my mind is gone. The Lord and Master is the Doer, the Cause of causes; Nanak holds tight to His Support. || 1 || Pause || Erasing my self-conceit, I have entered His Sanctuary; these are the Teachings spoken by the Holy Guru. Surrendering to the Will of God, I attain peace, and the darkness of doubt is dispelled. || 1 || I know that You are allwise, O God, my Lord and Master; I seek Your Sanctuary. In an instant, You establish and disestablish; the value of Your Almighty Creative Power cannot be estimated. || 2 || 7 || DAYVGANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: The Lord God is my praanaa, my breath of life; He is the Giver of peace. By Guru’s Grace, only a few know Him. || 1 || Pause || Your Saints are Your Beloveds; death does not consume them. They are dyed in the deep crimson color of Your Love, and they are intoxicated with the sublime essence of the Lord’s Name. || 1 || The greatest sins, and millions of pains and diseases are destroyed by Your Gracious Glance, O God. While sleeping and waking, Nanak sings the Lord’s Name, Har, Har, Har; he falls at the Guru’s feet. || 2 || 8 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: I have seen that God with my eyes everywhere. The Giver of peace, the Giver of souls, His Speech is Ambrosial Nectar.

|| 1 || Pause || The Saints dispel the darkness of ignorance; the Guru is the Giver of the gift of life. Granting His Grace, the Lord has made me His own; I was on fire, but now I am cooled. || 1 || The karma of good deeds, and the Dharma of righteous faith, have not been produced in me, in the least; nor has pure conduct welled up in me. Renouncing cleverness and self-mortification, O Nanak, I fall at the Guru’s feet. || 2 || 9 || DAYVGANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: Chant the Lord’s Name, and earn the profit. You shall attain salvation, peace, poise and bliss, and the noose of Death shall be cut away. || 1 || Pause || Searching, searching, searching and reflecting, I have found that the Lord’s Name is with the Saints. They alone obtain this treasure, who have such pre-ordained destiny. || 1 || They are very fortunate and honorable; they are the perfect bankers. They are beautiful, so very wise and handsome; O Nanak, purchase the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

|| 2 || 10 || DAYVGANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: O mind, why are you so puffed up with egotism? Whatever is seen in this foul, impure and filthy world, is only ashes. || 1 || Pause || Remember the One who created you, O mortal; He is the Support of your soul, and the breath of life. One who forsakes Him, and attaches himself to another, dies to be reborn; he is such an ignorant fool! || 1 || I am blind, mute, crippled and totally lacking in understanding; O God, Preserver of all, please preserve me! The Creator, the Cause of causes is all-powerful; O Nanak, how helpless are His beings! || 2 || 11 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: God is the nearest of the near. Remember Him, meditate on Him, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, day and night, evening and morning. || 1 || Pause || Redeem your body in the invaluable Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. Do not delay for an instant, even for a moment. Death is keeping you constantly in his vision. || 1 || Lift me up out of the dark dungeon, O Creator Lord; what is there which is not in Your home? Bless Nanak with the Support of Your Name, that he may find great happiness and peace.

|| 2 || 12 || Second Set of Six || DAYVGANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: O mind, meet with the Guru, and worship the Naam in adoration. You shall obtain peace, poise, bliss, joy and pleasure, and lay the foundation of eternal life. || 1 || Pause || Showing His Mercy, the Lord has made me His slave, and shattered the bonds of Maya. Through loving devotion, and singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, I have escaped the Path of Death. || 1 || When he became Merciful, the rust was removed, and I found the priceless treasure. O Nanak, I am a sacrifice, a hundred thousand times, to my unapproachable, unfathomable Lord and Master. || 2 || 13 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: O mother, how fruitful is the birth of one who sings the Glories of God, and enshrines love for the Supreme Lord God. || 1 || Pause || Beautiful, wise, brave and divine is one who obtains the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. He chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, with his tongue, and does not have to wander in reincarnation again. || 1 || The Perfect Lord God pervades his mind and body; he does not look upon any other.

Hell and disease do not afflict one who joins the Company of the Lord’s humble servants, O Nanak; the Lord attaches him to the hem of His robe. || 2 || 14 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: His fickle mind is entangled in a dream. He does not even understand this much, that someday he shall have to depart; he has gone crazy with Maya. || 1 || Pause || He is engrossed in the delight of the flower’s color; he strives only to indulge in corruption. Hearing about greed, he feels happy in his mind, and he runs after it. || 1 || Wandering and roaming all around, I have endured great pain, but now, I have come to the door of the Saint. Granting His Grace, the Supreme Lord Master has blended Nanak with Himself. || 2 || 15 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: All peace is found in the Guru’s feet. They drive away my sins and purify my mind; their Support carries me across. || 1 || Pause || This is the labor which I perform: worship, flower-offerings, service and devotion. My mind blossoms forth and is enlightened, and I am not cast into the womb again.

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