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SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Everything comes by His Command, and everything goes by His Command. If some fool believes that he does so himself, he is blind, and acts in blindness. O Nanak, one who becomes Gurmukh understands the Hukam of the Lord’s Command; the Lord grants His Grace. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: He alone is a Yogi, and he alone finds the Way, who as Gurmukh, has found the Naam. In the bodyvillage of that Yogi is everything; Yoga is not obtained by outward show and religious robes. O Nanak, such a Yogi is very rare; the Lord is revealed in the heart. || 2 || PAUREE: He Himself created the creatures, and He Himself supports them. He Himself is seen to be subtle, and He Himself is obvious. He Himself remains a solitary hermit, and He Himself has a huge family. Nanak begs for the gift of the dust of the feet of the Saints of the Lord. I cannot see any other Giver; You alone are the Giver, Lord. || 21 || 1 || SUDH || ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. TRUTH IS THE NAME.

CREATIVE BEING PERSONIFIED. NO FEAR. NO HATRED. IMAGE OF THE UNDYING. BEYOND BIRTH. SELF-EXISTENT. BY GURU’S GRACE: RAAG WADAHANS, FIRST MEHL, FIRST HOUSE: To the addict, there is nothing like the drug; to the fish, there is nothing else like water. Those who are attuned to their Lord – everyone is pleasing to them. || 1 || I am a sacrifice, cut apart into pieces, a sacrifice to Your Name, O Lord and Master.

|| 1 || Pause || The Lord is the fruitful tree; His Name is ambrosial nectar. Those who drink it in are satisfied; I am a sacrifice to them. || 2 || You are not visible to me, although You dwell with everyone. How can the thirst of the thirsty be quenched, with that wall between me and the pond? || 3 || Nanak is Your merchant; You, O Lord and Master, are my capital. My mind is cleared of doubt, when I praise You in prayer.

|| 4 || 1 || WADAHANS, FIRST MEHL: The virtuous bride ravishes and enjoys her Husband Lord; why does the unworthy one cry out? If she were to become virtuous, then she too could enjoy her Husband Lord. || 1 || My Husband Lord is loving and playful; why should the soul-bride enjoy any other? || 1 || Pause || If the soul-bride does good deeds, and makes her mind the thread, she obtains the jewel, which cannot be purchased for any price, strung upon the thread of her consciousness.

|| 2 || I ask, but I do not follow the way shown to me; still, I claim to have reached my destination. I do not speak with You, O my Husband Lord; how then can I come to have a place in Your home? || 3 || O Nanak, without the One, there is no other at all. If the soulbride remains attached to You, then she shall enjoy her Husband Lord. || 4 || 2 || WADAHANS, FIRST MEHL, SECOND HOUSE: The peacocks are singing sweetly, O sister; the rainy season of Saawan has come.

Your beauteous eyes are like a string of charms, fascinating and enticing the soul-bride. I would cut myself into pieces for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; I am a sacrifice to Your Name. I take pride in You; without You, what could I be proud of ? So smash your bracelets along with your bed, O soul-bride, and break your arms, along with the arms of your couch. In spite of all the decorations which you have made, O soul-bride, your Husband Lord is attuned to someone else. You don’t have the bracelets of gold, nor the good crystal jewelry; you have not dealt with the true jeweller. Those arms, which do not embrace the neck of the Husband Lord, burn in anguish.

All my companions have gone to enjoy their Husband Lord; which door should I, the wretched one, go to? O friend, I am very well-behaved, but I am not pleasing to my Husband Lord at all. I have woven my hair into lovely braids, and saturated their partings with vermillion; but when I go before Him, I am not accepted, and I die, suffering in sorrow. I weep – the whole world weeps; even the birds of the forest weep with me. The only thing which does not weep is my body’s sense of separation, which has separated me from my Husband Lord.

In a dream, He came, and went away again; I cried so many tears. I cannot come to You, O my Beloved, and I cannot send anyone to You. Come to me, O blessed sleep – perhaps I will see my Husband Lord again. One who brings me a message from my Lord and Master – says Nanak, what shall I give to Him? Cutting off my head, I give it to Him to sit upon; without my head, I shall still serve Him. Why haven’t I died? Why hasn’t my life just ended? My Husband Lord has become a stranger to me. || 1 || 3 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL, FIRST HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: When the mind is filthy, everything is filthy; by washing the body, the mind is not cleansed. This world is deluded by doubt; hardly anyone understands this.

|| 1 || O my mind, chant the One Name. The True Guru has given me this treasure. || 1 || Pause || Even if one learns the Yogic postures of the Siddhas, and holds his sexual energy in check, still, the filth of the mind is not removed, and the filth of egotism is not eliminated. || 2 || This mind is not controlled by any other discipline, except the Sanctuary of the True Guru. Meeting the True Guru, one is transformed beyond description. || 3 || Prays Nanak, one who dies upon meeting the True Guru, shall be rejuvenated through the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. The filth of attachment and possessiveness shall depart, and the mind shall become pure.

|| 4 || 1 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: By His Grace, one serves the True Guru; by His Grace, service is performed. By His grace, this mind comes under control; by His Grace, the mind becomes pure. || 1 || O my mind, think of the True One. Think of the One, and you shall find peace; you shall never suffer in sorrow again. || 1 || Pause || By His Grace, one dies while yet alive; by His Grace, the Word of the Shabad comes to dwell in the mind. By His Grace, one understands the Hukam of God’s Command; by His Command, one merges into Him. || 2 || That tongue, which does not savor the sublime essence of the Lord – may that tongue be burned off ! It remains attached to other pleasures, and through the love of duality, it suffers in pain.

|| 3 || The One Lord grants His Grace to all; He Himself makes distinctions. O Nanak, meeting the True Guru, the fruits are obtained, and one is blessed with the Glorious Greatness of the Naam. || 4 || 2 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: Emotional attachment to Maya is darkness; without the Guru, there is no spiritual wisdom. Those who are attached to the Word of the Shabad understand; those in duality are ruined. || 1 || O my mind, under Guru’s Instruction, do good deeds. Dwell forever and ever upon the Lord God, and you shall find the gate of galvation. || 1 || Pause || He alone is the treasure of virtue; He Himself gives, and then one receives.Without the Name, all are separated from Him; through the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, one meets Him.

|| 2 || Acting in selfishness and egotism they lose, and nothing comes into their hands. But meeting with the True Guru, they find Truth, and merge into the True Name. || 3 || Hope and desire abide in this body, but the Lord’s Light shines within as well. O Nanak, the self-willed manmukhs are in bondage, while the Gurmukhs are liberated. || 4 || 3 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: The faces of the happy soul-brides are radiant forever; through the Guru, they are peacefully poised. They constantly enjoy their Husband Lord, eradicating self-conceit from within. || 1 || O my mind, meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

The True Guru has given me this understanding of the Lord. || 1 || Pause || The abandoned brides cry out in suffering; they do not attain the Mansion of the Lord’s Presence. In the love of duality, they look ugly; they suffer in pain as they go beyond. || 2 || The virtuous soul-bride constantly chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord; she enshrines the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within her heart. The unvirtuous woman suffers and cries out in pain. || 3 || The One Lord and Master is the Husband Lord of all; He cannot be described at all. O Nanak, He has separated some from Himself, while others are committed to His Name.

|| 4 || 4 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam always seems sweet; through the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, I come to taste it. Through the True Word of the Guru’s Bani, I am absorbed in peace and poise; the Dear Lord is enshrined in the mind. || 1 || The Lord, granting His Grace, has led me to meet the True Guru. Through the Perfect True Guru, I meditate on the Name of the Lord.

|| 1 || Pause || Through Brahma, the hymns of the Vedas were revealed, but the love of Maya spread. The wise one, Shiva, pervades his own home, but he is engrossed in dark passions and excessive egotism. || 2 || Vishnu is always busy reincarnating himself, but who will save the world? The Gurmukhs are imbued with spiritual wisdom in this age; they are rid of the darkness of emotional attachment.

|| 3 || Serving the True Guru, one is saved; the Gurmukh crosses over the world-ocean. The detached renunciates are attuned to the True Name; they attain the gate of salvation. || 4 || The True One is pervading everywhere, deep within; He cherishes all. O Nanak, except for the One, I do not know any other; He is the Merciful Master of all. || 5 || 5 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: The Gurmukh practices true self-discipline, and attains the essence of wisdom. The Gurmukh focuses his meditation on the True One.

|| 1 || O my mind, become Gurmukh, and remember the Naam, the Name of the Lord. It shall stand by you forever, and go along with you. || Pause || The True One is the social status and the honor of the Gurmukh.Within the Gurmukh is God, his friend and helper. || 2 || He alone becomes Gurmukh, whom the Lord so blesses. He Himself blesses the Gurmukh with greatness. || 3 || The Gurmukh lives the True Word of the Shabad, and practices good deeds. The Gurmukh, O Nanak, emancipates his family and relations.

|| 4 || 6 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: My tongue is intuitively attracted to the taste of the Lord. My mind is satisfied, meditating on the Name of the Lord. || 1 || Lasting peace is obtained, contemplating the True Word of the Shabad. I am forever a sacrifice to my True Guru. || 1 || Pause || My eyes are content, lovingly focused on the One Lord. My mind is content, having forsaken the love of duality.

|| 2 || The frame of my body is at peace, through the Shabad, and the Name of the Lord. The fragrance of the Naam permeates my heart. || 3 || O Nanak, one who has such great destiny written upon his forehead, through the Word of the Guru’s Bani, easily and intuitively becomes free of desire. || 4 || 7 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: From the Perfect Guru, the Naam is obtained. Through the True Word of the Shabad, one merges in the True Lord.

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