BJP leaders greet SAARC Presidents and Prime Ministers

NEW DELHI (TIP): OFBJP Global Convener Vijay Jolly stated, May 28, that the visiting SAARC Presidents & Prime Ministers at the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s oath taking ceremony, were separately welcomed & greeted with courtesy calls by senior Bharatiya Janata Party leaders in New Delhi.

BJP General Secretary (Organization) Ram Lal, BJP MP Vijay Goel, BJP Spokeswomen Meenakshi Lekhi (MP) & Nirmala Seetharaman (now Union State Minister), senior RSS Pracharak Indresh Kumar, OFBJP Co- Conveners Dr. Rajni Sarin & Amit Thakar accompanied by Vijay Jolly called on the visiting SAARC leaders in New Delhi recently.

SAARC leaders President of Maldives Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, Prime Minister of Bhutan Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister of Nepal Sushil Koirala, Speaker of Bangladesh Parliament Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury, Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Mauritius Dr. Navin Ramgoolam, President of Sri Lanka Mahindra Rajapaksa & President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai attended the oath taking ceremony of BJP & Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi govt.

The BJP leaders conveyed to the visiting SAARC leaders the strong resolve of the party to strengthen ties with India‘s neighboring friendly nations. The historic decision to invite all the SAARC leaders by Prime Minister Modi will promote friendship, understanding, businesscommerce & enhance regional ties in the region, stated OFBJP Convener.

OFBJP leaders from 35 nations of the world attended the oath taking ceremony. Nearly 95 overseas delegates attended a specially convened meeting at the BJP headquarters to honor them. They were presented with “Ganesh statues” & “safron lotus scarfs”. BJP leaders Ram Lal and Vijay Jolly addressed & greeted them for their special efforts to visit India and witness the historic event of BJP govt. formation in New Delhi.

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