Actress Sunny Leone has commenced shooting of her next film ‘Mastizaade’, which is being directed by MilapZaveri. The 33-year-old ‘Ragini MMS 2’ star will be seen opposite Tushar Kapoor and Vir Das in the sex comedy. “Morning! First day of ‘Mastizaade’ and starting with one of the most hilarious scenes. Nothing like going all for it on day 1. I am so excited about the film,” the three-film-old actress posted on Twitter. ‘Mastizaade’ has been produced by Pritish Nandy. Sunny made her Bollywood debut with Pooja Bhatt’s ‘Jism 2’ and has also starred in ‘Jackpot’ and Ekta Kapoor’s ‘Ragini MMS2’, besides doing item songs in several
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