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Prof I.S.Saluja

India is a country of festivals and festivities. Our forefathers made sure that we have occasions to come together and celebrate. I do not think any other country in the world can match India’s number and variety of occasions to celebrate. Go to any part of India and you find a fair sprinkling of these occasions across the whole year.

Deepavali is a festival that is celebrated in some form or the other in almost every part of the country. The nomenclature may differ but the festive spirit remains the same. The food made may be different but the excitement of making and sharing it remains the same. The two communities-the Hindus and the Sikhs both celebrate Deepavali with much gusto. However, they celebrate this occasion for different reasons.

While the Hindus celebrate the occasion of Rama’s returning to Ayodhya, after a long period of exile of 14 years during which he experienced terrible struggle and ultimately vanquished evil, the Sikhs celebrate the return to Amritsar of their sixth Master, Guru Hargobind. It is said that Guru Hargobind insisted on Moghul ruler to free the 52 princes of small hill states in Himachal or else he would also stay put with them in the prison at Gwalior.

The Moghul emperor who had great regard for the Guru agreed to free them. Thus, Guru Hargobind, too, vanquished evil and came home victorious. See the parallel moral of the two stories. A reader of The Indian Panorama, Hillol Ray, from Dallas, has composed a poem dedicated to Diwali, especially for the readers of The Indian Panorama. Here it is.


At the turn of the Indian New Year, The special festival “Diwali” is here – So we are proud to celebrate with Americans today And are pleased to share! Our customs and traditions are century old, But they have built a profound name – Around the world, where our traditions are still found, Buried well behind the fame! “Diwali”, the festival of lights, illuminates The darkness of the New Year’s moon – And strengthens our close friendships and knowledge With a self-realization soon! So the “Diwali” day of Indians is a big celebration To respect the sacred time – And reminds our heritage in America,

While echoed through the winds’ chime! This adopted land of ours has been built By the sweat and toil – Of many, many immigrants, past and present, On this blessed soil! Here we feel the values of freedom, Voice and assurance as well – That America is the “Place” Where our future is going to dwell! So, let’s rejuvenate our diversity today, Because we are too happy to tell – About the real joy of a big celebration That is now ringing the bell! And let us all hope, the pride of our “Diwali” festival, Although was born in the past – Will illuminate the stars on our Nation’s flag, To signify harmony, and surely it will last!! “Milestone” Thank you, Hillol, for the beautiful composition. I would like to congratulate all our readers on this festive occasion and wish the festive spirit is shared. It is by sharing joys that we multiply them.

The two words sharing and caring are the magic mantras for happiness, steps ahead of joyousness. These festive occasions provide us an opportunity to show how caring we are. By sharing, we show our care. And in caring for others lies all true happiness. Let us celebrate Deepavali together in a shared manner and enjoy the festive mood that the occasion brings.

Let festive spirit prevail. Happy Deepavali.

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