New Delhi (TIP): In the wake of terror attack in Peshawar, Home Minister Rajnath Singh on December 18said the government is taking allpossible steps for security during theensuing visit of US President BarackObama.”Whatever high preparation isrequired, we are doing it. We have sentalerts too,” Singh told reporters here.His comments came when askedabout the steps taken for security afterthe Peshawar terror attack in which 148people, including 132 children werekilled.Asked about the possibility of terrorattacks in the capital, the HomeMinister said all possible action isbeing taken as “nothing can be ruledout”.The Home Ministry yesterday alertedthe states to the heightened possibilityof terror attacks ahead of the USPresident’s visit to India next month.In a country-wide advisory, the HomeMinistry has asked the law enforcementagencies to take all measures towards”target hardening” of vulnerable placesand installations.”This includes public places withhigh footfalls, public transportincluding railways and schools inparticular. “In the light of the attack ona school in Pakistan, there appears tobe an immediate requirement to scaleup security around schools and othereducational institutions which areconsidered more vulnerable due to avariety of factors,” the Home Ministryadvisory said.Also in another related advisory, theHome Ministry said there have beenreports that LeT is looking for targetingtwo unspecified hotel in New Delhi andan unspecified highway between NewDelhi and Agra.
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