Starlet Poonam Pandey, known mostly for her offer to strip if the Indian Cricket Team won the 2011 World Cup, had made news once again. India‘s most downloaded model refused an offer from Gursimran Khamba and Tammay Bhat to do a podcast on All India Bakchod (AIB) as she felt it was too demeaning to the women folk. AIB has been in the news recently for its Roast controversy including celebs Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor and Karan Johar. It has been a talking point amongst celebs, fans and even the Government. But Poonam refused this offer. “I have heard that AIB has been doing some good work, but then some of what I have seen wasn’t really up my alley. The digital medium has been home for me over the last four years, but then I felt that I could not participate in something like this,” said the Nasha actress. Sources inform that Poonam felt that the contents of the show were rather demeaning to women and hence did not pursue the offer sent by AIB . While Poonam seems to have made her stand clear, here’s a look at what other celebs had to say about the AIB Roast.
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