India’s emergence as a major player good for world: Ambassador Richard Verma

richard-verma India’s emergence as a major player good for world

NEW DELHI (TIP): Envoys of six leading world powers — US, Japan, China, Britain, Germany and Canada– hailed, March 14,  India‘s emergence as a major player at the “global high table” and complimented the new government for its efforts to stimulate economic growth, says a PTI report.

  The Ambassadors and High Commissioners said India’s role was crucial in combating major challenges facing the globe such as terrorism and climate change while noting that the country has huge untapped potential in trade and economic spheres.

  US Ambassador Richard Verma said the strategic partnership between the two countries has moved into a new phase and that the visit here by President Barack Obama had led to breakthroughs on a number of issues.  

“Our strategic partnership has moved into a new phase, a more mature one that I would characterize as “strategic plus”.

 Our leaders share an understanding that if our democracies work in tandem, we can have a positive impact on global peace, democracy and economic prosperity,” Verma said addressing the India Today conclave.

He said since Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the US in September last year, both sides have “convened, signed, and cooperated on no fewer than 30 dialogues, declarations, and agreements.”

On India-US partnership on clean energy, he said over USD 2.4 billion has been “mobilized” to invest in clean energy projects.

“We have agreed to make concrete progress this year towards phasing out hudrofluorocarbons under the Montreal Protocol as well as pursuing a strong global climate agreement in Paris this year,” he said adding US has offered its support to Indian cities to combat air pollution.

He said last week, a team of experts from the US Environmental Protection Agency met with senior officials and experts of the Ministry of Environment and the Central Pollution Control Board.

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