CWG scam: 4 MCD officials, 2 directors guilty | sentenced to prison

File photo of 2010 Commonwealth Games
File photo of 2010 Commonwealth Games

A special CBI court on Monday convicted four municipal corporation officials and two directors of a private company in the Commonwealth Games street-lighting scam case. This the first conviction in the 2010 Commonwealth Games scam case, which is being probed by the CBI.

The Court on Wednesday sentenced six persons for conspiring to cause losses to the exchequer in the Commonwealth Games street lighting scam. The convicts were accused of charges of criminal conspiracy, cheating, forgery for purpose of cheating and were also charged under sections of the Prevention of Corruption Act.

Four civic officials MCD Superintendent Engineer D K Sugan, Executive Engineer O P Mahla, Accountant Raju V and the civic body’s tender clerk Gurcharan Sing were sent to jail for four years and the managing director of Sweka Power Tech Engineers, TP Singh, has been sentenced to six years. J P Singh, another director of Sweka Power Tech Engineers has also been found guilty.

They were held guilty for various offences including criminal conspiracy, cheating, forgery of valuable security, forgery for purpose of cheating, using forged documents as genuine under the IPC and Section 13(1)(d) (criminal misconduct by public servant by corrupt means and abusing position) of the Prevention of Corruption Act.

The street lighting scam is one of the ten corruption cases in the run up to the holding of the October 2010 mega sports event.

The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) had examined the first phase of upgradation of street lighting and found irregularities in the tendering process. Acting on the direction of the CVC, the CBI had registered the case against the convicts. The CBI had said in the charge sheet that tenders were invited by the civic agency in 2008 and various companies, including Sweska Powertech applied for it, while the MCD commissioner had approved only four companies.

As per the charge sheet, after opening of the tender and announcing of the rates by accused Sugan, certain cuttings and interpolations in the tender papers of Sweska were made and amount quoted by it was increased, which led to a loss of about Rs 1.43 crore to the state exchequer and corresponding wrongful gain to the accused.

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