First light the candle on the hour at 10:00, 11:00 and 12:00, then say a prayer for the victims and their families as well as the perpetrators.
We have to tackle this issue head on, and cut the roots of extremism, there is no doubt about it. While we are doing that, what gives us some coherence, some lowering of blood pressure, some relief and some hope is prayers. More than adults, the children need to be with us to reassure them that God is a higher power… it will ease them. That is the only thing that comforts them. Lighting a candle is telling ourselves that I have taken the smallest step I can, and hope and pray to find larger solutions. I am writing a few solutions by 10:00 PM tonite at
Mike Ghouse
Email:, Washington
Mike Ghouse : The author is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer, news maker, and a speaker on Pluralism, Interfaith, Islam, politics, terrorism, human rights, India, Israel-Palestine and foreign policy.
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