CHICAGO, IL(TIP): The Uttar Pradesh Association of Greater Chicago (UPA) held its annual Hindi Hasya Kavi Sammelan on Sunday, May 27, 2018 at Ashiyana banquet hall in Downers Grove, Illinois
The Sammelan was a huge success with over 400 plus guests attending the program from all over Chicagoland and neighboring areas.
This is a signature event of UP Association which is organized every year in close collaboration with International Hindi Association (IHA). UPA is the only organization that organizes this very popular Kavi Sammelan every year and brings acclaimed poets from India to promote and celebrate richness of our motherland language through kavi sammelan.
Three famous poets, Mr. Sarvesh Asthana, Mr. Gaurav Sharma and Dr. Sonroopa Vishal, currently on tour of Unites States and Canada, entertained audience with hasya, vyang and geet. The Kavis’ were a perfect combination- where Mr. Asthana’s comic poetry and Sharma’s two liner comic poetry kept the audience roaring in laughter, at the same time, Dr. Vishal’s geet and Gazals mesmerized the audience with her melodious voice. The performances by three poets were outstanding and the hall echoed with loud laughter and clapping with great hasya and satire poems presented by Mr. Ashthana and Mr. Sharma. Dr. Vishal’s geet/gazals on love and family relationship and importance of women in shaping our society filled our hearts with pride and she received standing ovation. Overall, combinations of three poets was well appreciated by the audience. Mr. Asthana presided over the kavi sammelan with his unique and impressive style of poetry presentation.
The Sammelan started with welcome remarks by Dr. Subhash Pandey, who is Chairman for the Board of Trustees of the Association. He said that we are pleased to have three honorable poets from India and he emphasized that poets with his or her power of writing contribute greatly to shape our culture and heritage. He highlighted the Association’s history and accomplishments to the audience and thanked them for constant support. Dr. Pandey said that UP Association since its inception has engaged in promoting Hindi by organizing the several successful Kavi Sammelan. He then introduced poets one by one and highlighted the accomplishments of each poets and their popularity in India. He also highlighted many recent accomplishments, thanked immediate past president of UPA, Mr. Vivek Varma and his team for their dedication and an outstanding service. He then introduced and welcomed newly elected president Mrs. Taruna Gupta, who have been associated with UPA for last several years. Mrs. Gupta gave her warm welcome to guests, visiting poets and audience. She thanked organization for giving this opportunity to serve Indian community of Chicago in promoting Indian culture and most importantly UP state of India. Dr. Pandey also introduced and welcomed all newly elected members of executive committee and board of trustees. Dr. Pandey also invited guest of honor, Mr. OP Meena, Consul and head of chancery, Chicago Indian Consulate General office for his remarks on this occasion. Mr. Meena appreciated association’s outstanding work in promoting Hindi and also welcomed visiting poets from India. He also announced the plan of consulate for the celebration of international Yoga day on June 16th, 2018 at Millennium park and invited everyone to attend.

A large number of audience attended this year’s Hasya Kavi Sammelan that focused on geet and gazals. Refreshments consisted of delicious snacks with hot tea that were served during the intermission by Ashiyana banquets. On behalf of UPA, Dr. Subhash Pandey thanked Mr. Surendra Jain, owner of Ashiyana banquets, for the delicious food and his support. His service was greatly appreciated by everyone who attended the program. Dr. Pandey also thanked the media personnel particularly Mr. Suresh Bodiwala, Asian media USA, for his superb service of the Indian community. He also thanked Ms. Vandana Jhingan for her service to community and covering the event for TV Asia and Mr. Jatinder Bedi of Hello NRI for his support. The Association’s outgoing President Mr. Vivek Varma thanked the poets, audience, committee members, board of trustees and volunteers to make this program a great success. The memorable night ended with presenting the poets with small gift of appreciation by the guest of honor, Mr. OP Meena and office bearers of UP association.
As quoted by Dr. Subhash Pandey, “The credit of grand success of Kavi Sammelan goes to the immense talent of Kavis’ who kept the audience glued to their chairs and engaged for four hours and also the hard work and dedication of the U.P Association’s executive Committee and board of trustees who worked tirelessly for the program”.
As quoted by Mrs. Taruna Gupta, “We are very pleased with the interest and positive feedback from audience about the program and the credit of success goes to all the attendees for coming and showing their support for our Indian Culture and love for Hind language”
(Photographs and Press release by Asian Media USA)
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