CHICAGO, IL(TIP): Temple is a divine and majestic place of pilgrimage, where life unites with ‘Jagadish’ – the divine ruler of this world. It is a place, where devotees unify with their daitee, where soul fades into the ultimate divinity, where our next generation gets a dose of our true Samskara (sacrament) and culture.
It’s a place where a mere stone transfigures itself to become a divine idol. This is a place, where our material being, and physical existence convert into a divine temple. It is a place, from where the message of brotherhood, profoundness, unity and intimacy spreads door-to-door.
With such benedictory purpose and a soulful resolve for welfare and well-being of the people, the erection of the temple in Chicago city of Illinois State of the United States began on May 12 with Mahapuja under total Vedic practice.
Along with the celebrations marking the beginning of construction work for the new Temple, the auspicious occasion of Rakshabandhan was also jointly celebrated in the august presence of HH Swamishri.
On this occasion, young members of Chicago Mandal performed mellifluous music including some of the marvelous kirtana and bhajans, which enthralled the listeners.
Shree Himanshubhai narrated the significance the occasion of Rakshabandhan in a poetic way and stated that Guru Hari Swamishri has committed to protect us from all evils from with-in and outside. He recounted a variety of incidents to explain his philosophy.
HH Swamiji deliberated upon the importance of Rakshabandhan and said, “We celebrate the festival of Rakshabandhan to pray to God so that he continues to protect us in all situations. Five Pandavas conquered the 100 Kauravas, because they had Lord Shri Krishna on their side to protect them. Likewise, if we surrender ourselves to the God of Godly Saint, we will remain protected in all situations. As much faith we put in God, that much we shall be protected.”
On the occasion, the Chicago Youth Mandal performed a divine dance on the theme of ‘Yuva Mahotsav ka Bugle Baje’.
The representatives of different organizations and guests participated the event so as to celebrate the occasion as well as seek the blessings from HH Swamishri.
Democrat Party’s Congressman, Raja Krishnamoorthi graced the occasion, in his address to the audience, he recognized and praised the social work being done by Yogi Divine Society. Also, thanked the community to erect first Hindu Temple in the Shamburg area.
On behalf of the American Government, he handed over a letter of appreciation to HH Swamishri.
The elderly devotees from Chicago Mandal garlanded HH Swamishri as a mark of respect and sought his blessings. On behalf of YDS, Dr CM Patel honored the invited guest, MP Raja Krushnamurti with a bouquet of flowers. The women members of the Chicago Youth Mandal had prepared a special garland for the occasion.
Other guests and members of Chicago Youth Mandal paid their floral respects to HH Swamishri and garlanded him to seek his blessings.
Addressing the gathering, Hon Dinkarbhai beautifully articulated the significance of Sainthood to suit the occasion. “Today, with just a holy sight of HH Swamishri, we can say our Rakshabandhan is celebrated. When we instill our complete faith in Swamishri with our efforts, our words and with our mind, then we can stay undeterred in Akshardham.”
In the end, Guru Hari HH Swamishri showered his blessings on the devotees with his holy words by saying,
– “Our Guru Yogiji Maharaj is an epitome of courteousness, affection, surrender and devotion. He is such an innocent and detached personality that HME is nowhere to be found. Not an iota of HME, nor slightest of KKL’s steam. Even our HME is removed by merely sitting in the lap of such a motherly saint.
– HME keeps us attached with the life-death cycle. Sitting in the lap of such motherly saint will eradicate HME, which ultimately cures the disease of life-death.
– We have to surrender and sit in the lap of such motherly saint to purify our eyes, ears and tongue so as to make it acceptable to the divine.
– I have come here to invite all of you to the Yuva Mahotsav that we are going to celebrate in the first week of January.
– This disease of life-death can’t be cured without a saint.
– Jesus Christ created 110 saints and pronounced the first commandment that no liquor and no meat.
– Lord Shri Swaminarayan advised us in the Shikshapatri not to consume onion-garlic.
– I know, they are good medically. But it increases the desires within us.
– Lord Krishna termed the Kama (desires), Krodh (anger) and Lobh (greed) as the gateway to hell.
– And Gunatitanand Swami termed obduracy (hatha), pride and envy as the gateway to hell.
– Atman (soul) is diseased with life-birth phenomenon. To cure it, we need satsang and sant.
– Without coming in contact with Saint, it is impossible to bring holy thoughts to our minds. We become obedient and courteous once come in contact with such a saint. It brings humility in our behavior. We get to hear and read Bhagwat, Gita or Ramayana.
– The filth within can’t be cured and cleared without coming in contact with Saints. The Saint is the doctor and bailor for this.
– If you ask an auto-rickshaw guy or a taxi driver to take you to the temple – Haridham, he will drop you at the doorstep of it.
– The biggest advantage that will be there is that you would get to know about the great saints of India.
– The pictures that teach you roaming around, linger, and get naughty, there is no need to watch such movies.
– Remember one thing always. To become one a human being, there is a need of a Saint. A human means- the eyes watch what is right, ears listen that is right, and tongue speaks that is right.
– The way Arjuna got Krishna as his Sarthi, Shivaji had Ramdas, Ashoka had Batuk, likewise, we too need a Sarthi like Krishna in our life to live a meaningful life.
– Abandon things that lead us towards desires. Dinkarbhai is a saint.
– Our Prem Swamiji is an engineer but he is a Saint. He has nothing else in his life other than devotion and affection.
– If you come to Haridham, our kids will get engaged in your service. More than that, you will get the benefit of knowing Great Saints of India.
– We pray for such a Buddhiyoga, which will help us get in the lap of a motherly saint and eradicate the ills such as obduracy (hatha), pride and envy from within us and make us a holy saint like Janak. That’s what we pray for.
About 750 devotees, who participated in the event enjoyed the deliberations and were privileged to have Prasad at the end of the event,
(Photographs and Press release by Asian Media USA)
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