Grand Cultural Extravaganza

"Kulture Kool" performers Photos/ TAG ADS LLC

By Mabel Pais

“There are some parts of the world that, once visited, get into your heart and won’t go. For me, India is such a place. … I had been seeing the world in black & white and, when brought face-to-face with India, experienced everything re-rendered in brilliant Technicolor”

–         Keith Bellows, late Editor, National Geographic Traveler

“The more we understand culture and diversity, the more acceptance and tolerance children and youngsters learn.”

–         Archana Athalye, Founder-Director


It is believed that a lifetime isn’t enough to see and truly understand India!

Ever wished you could re-live your Indian childhood and introduce your kids to the multi-splendored wonders of Indian culture?

Headquartered in Rutherford, NJ, Kulture Kool, an Indian cultural center dedicated to developing creative potential in the performing arts for children and adults, announced their 10th Anniversary with an Indian Odyssey, a grand cultural show on June 8 at Victoria Theater, NJPAC at 2 pm. The show, featuring more than 250 performers, will showcase music, dances and audio visuals from the 28 states in India, taking the audience on a cultural Odyssey across the country.

They say a lifetime isn’t enough to see and truly understand India. Keith Bellows, the late editor of the National Geographic Traveler, said, “There are some parts of the world that, once visited, get into your heart and won’t go. For me, India is such a place. … I had been seeing the world in black &

white and, when brought face-to-face with India, experienced everything re-rendered in brilliant Technicolor.”

To know, love, be exasperated, irritated and confounded but always surprised by this land is to capture her ageless spirit. A spirit that blazes even stronger in the hearts of those who have built new homes and lives in other countries. Their identity and that of their children will forever be

shaped by this overwhelming cradle of humanity.

Kulture Kool is on a mission to spread the joy and wisdom of India by sharing different aspects of the grandmother of all cultures with youngsters and adults through the performing arts and language education, community events, cultural outreach programs in schools, museums and libraries and enrichment workshops across the tri-state area. The school also offers the option to get certification from prestigious boards and institutes from USA and UK, for all Indian Classical dance & music and western instrumental music programs.

“Our goal is to simplify all aspects of Indian performing arts including classical and popular forms, making culture relevant, relatable and enjoyable to children’s life here in the USA. We have courses for children as well as adults in Hindustani Vocals, Carnatic Vocals, Tabla, Sitar, Piano, Guitar,

Drums, Kathak, Bharata Natyam, Bollywood Dance, Theater & Voice to Language enrichment with an enviable roster of talented teachers”, said Archana Athalye the founder and director, who is very passionate about promoting cultural education through workshops and assemblies at schools,

libraries and museums. “The more we understand culture and diversity, the more acceptance and tolerance children and youngsters learn. Cultural Education should be an integral part of school curriculums from elementary school. The mindset of cultural curiosity and tolerance will be essential for succeeding in our global economy”, she added.

About Kulture Kool:

Since its launch in 2009, Kulture Kool is the first center in North Jersey to provide year-round comprehensive programs and workshops in Indian Classical and Instrumental music, Indian Classical Dance, Indian Popular and Folk dance, and has enjoyed tremendous success in Bergen County with its Rutherford venue, leading it to expand its brand beyond to Glen Ridge, Hoboken and West New York. Kulture Kool has an enviable roster of highly trained exponents and talented teachers that teach more than 15 programs to over 280 students of all ages and all ethnicities. The school also carries out year-round outreach programs in libraries, public and private schools and community events throughout the state.

(Mabel Pais writes on the Arts and Entertainment, Social Issues, Spirituality, and Health & Wellness)


“Kulture Kool” performers

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