American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin – AAPI @AAPIUSA

AAPI Signs MoU to Eradicate Tuberculosis in India
NEW YORK (TIP): On the concluding day of the 10th Global Healthcare Summit in New Delhi, India, January 31, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work towards […]

AAPI’s 10th Annual Global Healthcare Summit Inaugurated in New Delhi
(New Delhi, India: January 2nd, 2016) Physicians of Indian origin are well known around the world for their compassion, passion for patient care, medical skills, research, and leadership. They excel in their fields of medicine, […]

AAPI-QLI donates $10 K to Chennai floods
NEWYORK (TIP): American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) QLI donated $10,000 towards flood relief in Chennai at a fund raiser “Chennai – we are with you” organized by America Tamil Sangam in Antun […]

“We will take AAPI to the next level”, says new AAPI President
CHICAGO, IL (TIP): A new Executive Committee led by Dr. Seema Jain as President, assumed charge of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) during the 33rd annual convention in Orlando, FL on Saturday, […]

AAPI Launches Scientific, Academic Research Foundation (SARF)
NEW YORK (TIP): During a solemn ceremony, attended by physicians, community leaders and international media personnel, leaders of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic association of medical professionals in […]

Indian American Physicians Group AAPI Launch Research Foundation – SARF
The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic association of medical professionals in the US, has launched a Scientific, Academic Research Foundation (SARF) for supporting key academic research initiatives. The pioneering […]

US Lawmakers Endorse AAPI’s Legislative Agenda During AAPI’s Legislative Day on Capitol Hill
(Washington, DC: March 30th, 2015) While Physicians Shortage, J-1 Visa Waiver Program, Immigration Reform, Delaying the Implementation of ICD-10, and Medical Liability Reform were part of the Legislative Agenda for 2015 for the annual Legislative […]

ORLANDO, FL (TIP): Over 2,000 physicians and families of Indian heritage are expected to gather and deliberate on ways to further their own professional knowledge and identify ways to network and offer a unified voice […]

AAPI Indian-American doctors to meet US lawmakers on healthcare & Immigration issues
AAPI Indian-American doctors to meet a number of influential US lawmakers at the Capitol Hill in March who would inturn address Indian American doctors on issues related to immigration and health care. American Association of Physicians of […]

NEW DELHI (TIP): The 10th edition of the annual Global Healthcare Summit(GHS) 2016 organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) will be held at the Maurya Hotel, New Delhi from January […]

Amitabh Bachchan to be the Chief Guest at AAPI’s Global Healthcare Summit in Mumbai
NEW YORK (TIP): “Bollywood Superstar Amitabh Bachchan will be the Chief Guest at the 9th annual Global Healthcare Summit 2015 (GHS) organized by the Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) in collaboration with […]

AAPI NJ Honors Three during Annual Health Summit
NEWARK NJ (TIP): Three prominent Indian American physicians were honored for their achievements in the field of medicine and for their contributions to the larger society during the annual meeting Health summit of American Association […]

Over 2,000 delegates to attend SAN ANTONIO, TX (TIP): Over 2,000 physicians of Indian origin are expected to gather and deliberate on ways to enhance their own professional growth and identify ways to network and […]

AAPI’s 32nd Annual Convention to be held in San Antonio, Texas
Over 2,000 Delegates to Attend Convention From June 25th – 29th 2014 CHICAGO IL (TIP): Over 2,000 talented and dedicated physicians and families of Indian origin are expected to gather and deliberate on ways to […]

Dr. Ajay Lodha takes over as President of AAPI-QLI
LONG ISLAND, NY (TIP): A well known physician and a senior member of AAPI, Dr. Ajay Lodha was inaugurated as President of AAPI-QLI (Queens-Long Island chapter of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin). […]

Over 3,000 Delegates to Attend Convention from May 23rd – May 27th 2013 NEW YORK (TIP): Over 3,000 talented and dedicated physicians of Indian origin are expected to gather and deliberate on ways to enhance […]