The Indian Panorama loves its readers and values their views. It has always been our effort to get the readers to express their views on various subjects and issues. This way, The Indian Panorama gets enriched even as readers other than those who commented get the benefit of the perspectives of those who contributed.
For the Independence Day special edition, we requested readers to write on India of their dreams. We received an enthusiastic response. We thank the readers who have contributed. Here is what they said.

India is a great nation with loving people, and it is a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and a multi-religious society. I dream of an India that is free from corruption at all levels. It would be a place where the betterment of the country and its people would be the sole agenda of the government. In India, corruption has been at the high side of the Indian politics for years and it has been filled with many greedy politicians whose interest is above the nation’s people; The rate of corruption is growing day by day and the common man suffers in the hands of politicians who are only interested in fulfilling their own selfish motives. Once corruption is out of the system many things will fall automatically in place such as the usage of the public fund. The public fund shall be utilized in improving India’s infrastructure, education, medical care, agriculture, military, and other sectors. It will also be used to make the atmosphere cleaner and healthier for the citizens of India. My dream India should have no discrimination on castes or religion, we are all Indian. We are not divided into Jain, Sikh, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, or any other religions. Different ethnic groups should be able to live in perfect harmony with each other. I want to see equality in education and employment, a nicely funded education system where the poor and the rich are able to acquire the same opportunity in order to gain the best education.

Being born in India, I feel proud to say that I was born in a great civilization.
India is one of the few places in the world where different family members are living with your one family and because of that, I feel proud to say that before I attended school and learned from my neighborhood uncles and aunts about the rights and wrongs in life. I was made to realize that – I am a Human and I need to learn HOW TO LIVE LIKE A HUMAN. It is only the humans of this world that need to know and learn how to live like a human. Animals don’t have to learn or be educated in a school system to learn the ways of life like we do. No one understands the importance of DNA, place of birth, and the culture you are born in unless you grow up and see the differences in each area.
The importance of good and honest leadership is recognized when you see the working of two different leaders from two different parties. When living in a democracy, if you have not realized and used the power to VOTE in your life, you are not fit to live in a democracy.
In today’s world, everyone is running towards money. But no one ever thinks that you come empty handed into this world and you leave empty handed from this world.
Sanatana Dharma teaches life principles. You carry and take with you the load of all your Karmas, and you are reborn again to carry on your desires and wishes.
All Indians who love India should be proud of the present leadership who has made India a world of focus.
It is a surprise for many that one billion Hindus have no Hindu nation as of yet. The world is watching and wondering if India will survive and if the locals of India are free to convert to any enemy culture and the right to destroy India by using political games.
I have been living in the United States for the past 50 years but I wish for myself to be born as a Hindu again in India.
I feel sad when our media and our education system have no programs to teach our young how to live like a human and how to develop the will to fight evil and to learn the non-truth. Millions living with the non-truth have no will to gain freedom from the corrupt systems of the unfortunate education system that we have today.
Arish Sahani, Born Hindu Grav Se Kaho Main Hindu Hoon.

India’s society is divided by Caste, Religion, Region and Gender, however, are unified in Celebration of its’ Independence. The Nation has seen substantial progress in many areas including rise in income levels, global growth, and advancement in literacy and life expectancies. The per capita income increased in real terms despite a significant increase in the population of the country.
Sophisticated and modern technology has led to reduced prevalence of diseases leading to longevity. The increase in the gross enrollment ratios in school and rise in the number of recognized educational institutes in the country provided for the advancement of literacy levels. India has emerged as the top exporter of IT services and their IT sills are renowned all over the world. These, as well as significant infrastructure development, booming Agriculture and tremendous advancement in manufacturing, construction, electricity and gas and water supply sectors have positioned India as a Global leader.
India of the future – A Global Superpower with a primary focus on protecting their citizens through continued infrastructure spending in conjunction with:
- controlling pollution levels,
- public health care to reduce maternal and childhood deaths,
- public safety, utility and water supply
- reducing economic inequality,
- housing.
No amount of economic growth with outweigh the safety and health of its people.

Queens, NY
Significance of Independence Day
We celebrate Independence Day for several reasons. Firstly, to rejoice the Independence from a colonial power who had all this while been siphoning away all the treasures and wealth away from our country and always gave us a raw deal in our lives. They made easy money and enriched themselves, enjoyed luxurious lives and kept us subdued as servants. Independence Day is also to remind us that we must make sure that our own people will not do the same and keep us downtrodden. That they will not be corrupt, will not enrich their own, will not keep us jobless, will not destroy our environment, our children, our seniors and our health and education systems, will not practice rotten demonetization schemes, will not leave black money overseas, will not do Rafael type deals and make tons of corrupt money, will not punish our farmers who demonstrate peacefully against tyranny, who fail to keep campaign promises, who fail to protect us adequately from Corona and Delta Virus, who practice religious divide and exploit devious IT manipulations to win elections etc. and in the end make us more unhappy and desperate than we were under the colonial rulers. Independence is to enjoy a better quality of life, of love and co-exist with mutual respect, built with our sweat. Let us not shortchange ourselves. Everyone, regardless of class or creed must get a fair share of a country’s prosperity. We can lose our freedom by making a wrong choice at the ballot box.

India enjoys a rich cultural heritage. People belonging to various castes, creeds, and religions live peacefully in this country. I dream of India that progresses at an even greater pace and joins the list of the developed countries in no time. I want the government to provide equal employment opportunities for all so that the youth get deserving jobs and contribute towards the growth of the nation. I want the country to become technologically advanced and see growth in all the sectors.

Chair IAF, Long Island, NY
On behalf of Board of trustees, members of Indian American forum and Indian American Community we want to wish everyone Happy Independence Day on August 15. As we celebrate 75th year of independence of the country, we salute the freedom fighters and their sacrifices made. We pay tribute to the martyrs of the country and continue to develop India of their dreams. As we are all still facing the challenges during the pandemic years,India and the whole world is working towards prevention and treatments of the invisible COVID -19 virus. India faces the biggest challenge for providing affordable and quality medical facilities and hospitals for its people. Our children are still suffering from Malnutrition and poverty. We also need to continue to empower and strengthen women in the field of business, politics and other areas. We need to continue to introduce schools and colleges providing quality education in India. We also see that use of Ayurveda, Yoga, and holistic treatments originating from India are benefiting people all over the world. The Green revolution in India is also leading towards high yielding varieties of rice and wheat to increase food production in order to alleviate hunger and poverty.Mahatma Gandhi said that our greatest ability is not to change the world but to change ourselves. Pearce is the most powerful weapon of mankind.
Happy Independence Day. JAI HIND!and VANDE MATARAM!

As a proud Indian American who for several years has co emceed India Day Parade in NYC, I salute our freedom fighters and our unsung heroes whose dedication, courage, and sacrifices for their motherland will never be forgotten. Despite these unprecedented and challenging times, our passion to rejoice, celebrate, and revisit India’s vibrant history, rich cultural heritage and eternal values remain undiminished. Moving forward from India’s 75th year of independence, I envision My India as a country that leads the world in unity in diversity, where the next generation is an ambassador of peace, harmony, and goodwill, where more and more youth script history in the Olympics like our young hero Neeraj Chopra. where the girl child is respected and nurtured, and there is social equity and inclusion in every sphere.

An NRI’s view on India’s 75th Independence Day celebrations
My name is Tirlok Malik. I am an Emmy nominated filmmaker, an Ayurveda Restaurateur, and a Happy Life Yoga speaker. I consider myself a world citizen, blessed to be born in India and now living in America. Many major American corporations including Microsoft, Google, IBM, FedEx, Master card, and Vimeo have Indian American CEOs. And many Indian Americans have found major success in diverse fields such as medicine, hospitality industry, real estate, IT as well as other areas. Indian Americans living all over America are celebrating the 75th Independence Day of India with parades, floats, band, music, dancers, and having Bollywood actors as grand marshals, local politiciansand celebrity sponsors as chief guests, etc. in many cities across America. There is a great sense of pride in it. And it’s also fun to attend these parades, meet many people, watch actors dance to the music, listen to patriotic speeches about how great India is. The food stalls are always great at these events. When I look around at attendees, I mostly see Indian Americans of all ages, including young people born in America, clapping and cheering. The whole atmosphere makes me remember how much I miss India, love India, it is a part of my DNA till I die and even after that as I believe in reincarnation and a part of me will always want to be born in India.
Now, I also know most people who are attending will not go to live in India permanently. It makes me question and at the same time I know the answer. I have made all my films about the migration conflicts and its effects on human feelings: be it ‘Lonely in America,’ ‘Love Lust and Marriage’, ‘Khushiyaan’ and ‘On Golden Years or my new short film ‘To New India with Love’. I remember when I was studying in the 5th grade in a school in Delhi, I was told that once upon a time India used to be a Golden Bird and people from all over the world came there for education, trade, cultural exchange, etc. As a student being raised without much worldly things, I desired more and also saw most students’ fathers working very hard to make a living. I used to secretly hope and wish for India to become the Golden Bird again so that every Indian living in India could have worldly comforts. But as I grew older the reality was very different. I still hope for India to become the Golden Bird again. After finishing college my destiny brought me to America where I have been fortunate enough to realize my American Dream. But, during my emotional moments I have always missed India and hoped for India to have half of the life’s comforts which we have in US.
When I visited my folks back in India for the first time, I realized that the country could be the Golden Bird again, but it can only be done only by Indians living in India. Yes, NRIs can also help towards this in many ways but ultimately the onus lies with the resident Indians. Every time I visit India, I see it’s getting better but it can do more. I still have that desire to see India become the Golden Bird in my lifetime. It is possible when all citizens of India are truly free from self-created emotional conflicts, greed, laziness, discrimination, intolerance, corruption, lack of trust and be independent and focused towards having true independence.
It is my request to India to celebrate the 75th Independence Day not only as a freedom from the British but as freedom from the negative attitude and thinking. Let’s make India again the Golden Bird for the citizens of India, a Guru for the rest of the world. This is my salute to the 75th Independence Day of my beloved India. No matter where I live, India will always be part of me. I love you, India.

Future of India
This is the 75th Independence Day of India. This is the time to revise, what we have achieved and what we have to achieve. India is recovering from the Covid Crisis and moving to achieve its goals to make the country, strong, peaceful and prosperous. India is progressing in the leadership of a very strong and patriotic leader Prime Minister NarendraModi who wanted “Sabka Sath and Sabka Vikas.”
He said on this 75th celebration of independence the country will reflect “pride of Sanatan India and the glow of modern India “. He titled it Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav.”
The dream of future India is the developed India. An India free of poverty and illiteracy, where poor are empowered, the bridge between the poor and rich is within acceptable limits. The underprivileged youth succeed. An India which realizes its full potential in every domain and the educated souls understand the importance of giving back what they have taken from the society. People of India should be mobilized towards boundless energy, spirit and strength so that youth of India can carry out activities aimed at the betterment of life. India has won 5 medals this year Olympics should win many more in future. It will be a country where women are respected and people from all religions co-exists and where every citizen is proud to be an Indian.
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