Mahavastu is an upgraded, tested and bug-free understanding of vastu shastra that I have distilled from more than 12,000 case studies in the last 25 years. A rational understating helps to maintain equilibrium with nature; with simple yet powerful remedies without demolishing buildings. MahaVastu propagates that five elements are present in directions in our living spaces and the imbalance in these elements leads to the sickness of mind and body. It basically balances all these 5 elements for harmony in life.
Before buying a home or an office one must check the location of entrance, e.g., an east or a north – east entrance is very auspicious, it brings in money, profits and success. On the contrary, an east entrance of a house leads to fire, accidents and unexpected losses for the inhabitants. According to MahaVastu, south or south – east entrance brings immense prosperity whereas entrance from south creates negative effects on the kids specially the boys of the family.
In general, houses and buildings facing north-east, south and the west are considered good for the residence.
Toilets in the north-east direction should be avoided completely.
The fire place / kitchen should ideally be located in south east zone of the house. An underground Water tank should ideally be placed towards the north, north – east, east and west zones of the house.
Bedroom should ideally be located in the south zone; however, for a newly wedded couple the north or north – west is the ideal direction.
Kid’s room should ideally be in the east, north – east, west or south – west directions.
An ideal location of entrance(s) is north, north – east or north -west zones. This would bring good luck and positive energy. The main door of the entrance should be facing the north or the east. The reception should always be in the east or the north – east.
Location of toilets should ideally be in the south or south -west vastu zone of disposal. The toilet seats should ideally be placed in either south to north or west to east direction.
Location of Pantry ideally should be in the southeast corner or zone of the building
If a house is not built according to vastu , what should they do?
Simple remedies can help you to correct vastu flaws. Mahavastu has some very simple yet effective remedies like changing the colour of the main entrance, painting a particular portion in a colour to balance the five elements, e.g., the elemental strip technique proves instrumental when it comes to removing the bad effects of entrance locations and toilets. Hanging green sceneries towards north attracts growth and new opportunities. Mahavastu believes in giving you proven vastu formulae for instant results without any demolitions and reconstruction.
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