After becoming the fastest film to enter the Rs 1000 crore club worldwide, Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna’s Pushpa 2: The Rule has maintained its phenomenal performance at the box office. Now in the middle of its first week of release, the film added an impressive Rs 42 crore to its collection on Wednesday, according to industry tracker Sacnilk. While there was an 18 percent drop in earnings, it didn’t deter the film from amassing Rs 687 crore in the domestic market.
Released in multiple languages, the Hindi version of the film has consistently outperformed its Telugu counterpart. On Wednesday, the Hindi version brought in a remarkable Rs 30 crore, compared to Rs 9 crore from the Telugu version. Other language versions also contributed, with the Tamil version earning Rs 2 crore, the Kannada version Rs 0.6 crore, and the Malayalam version Rs 0.4 crore.
Pushpa 2 has demonstrated an impressive box office trajectory, even as it experienced a steady decline in weekday collections. After an extraordinary opening weekend, which included a massive Rs 141.05 crore haul on its first Sunday, the film witnessed a sharp 54.31 percent drop on Monday. This was followed by another 20.02 percent decline on Tuesday and an 18.53 percent dip on Wednesday (Day 7).
Despite these weekday fluctuations, Pushpa 2 has achieved a staggering worldwide collection of Rs 1,062 crore. The film entered the elite Rs 1000 crore club within just six days of its release, becoming the highest-grossing film of 2024. It has surpassed the lifetime worldwide collection of Prabhas’ Kalki 2898 AD, which stood at Rs 1,042.25 crore.
Now that Pushpa 2 has overtaken Kalki 2898 AD, all eyes are on whether the film can become the highest-earning Indian film of all time. Currently, Nitesh Tiwari and Aamir Khan’s Dangal holds the top spot with a lifetime worldwide collection of Rs 2,070.3 crore. Other films in the prestigious Rs 1000 crore club include Baahubali 2: The Conclusion (Rs 1,788.06 crore), RRR (Rs 1,230 crore), KGF: Chapter 2 (Rs 1,215 crore), Jawan (Rs 1,160 crore) and Pathaan (Rs 1,055 crore). The Allu Arju-starrer has left both the Shah Rukh Khan-starrers – Jawan and Pathaan – behind in the box office race.
Salman Khan