Bollywood star Ayushmann Khurrana will be heading to London later this month to commence the shoot of his upcoming film An Action Hero, the producers announced on Tuesday, Jan 18. Backed by Bhushan Kumar-led T-Series and filmmaker Aanand L Rai’s Colour Yellow Productions, the movie is billed as a slick actioner with an offbeat satirical sense of humour. The film marks the directorial debut of Anirudh Iyer, who previously served as an assistant director on Rai’s Tanu Weds Manu Returns (2015) and Zero (2018).
Rai, who announced the movie in October last year, said the team is excited to kickstart shoot of the film, which he described as an out-of-the-box entertainer.
“We are excited about An Action Hero finally going on the floors and seeing Ayushmann breathe life into the character. The movie is going to be an out-of-the-box entertaining story!” the filmmaker said in a statement.
Kumar, chairman and managing director of T-Series, said the film has a “quirky and fresh storyline”.
“We are enthralled to commence its shoot in London and can’t contain our excitement for audiences to witness this entertainment from Anand L Rai’s stable,” he added.