Bhumi Pednekar has come on board with Rajkummar Rao for a movie titled Bheed. The film will be directed by Anubhav Sinha, and will be Bhumi and Rajkummar’s second movie together. They will be seen for the first time in Badhaai Do, which is currently in the making. Bhumi and Raj will join Anubhav Sinha in Lucknow soon after Diwali to begin the shoot. The filmmaker is currently busy with the post-production work on Ayushmann Khurrana-starrer Anek and pre-production of Bheed. The film is jointly produced by Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series and Anubhav Sinha, and is said to be a hard-hitting social drama. As for Badhaai Do, the movie has been directed by Harshavardhan Kulkarni. It is a sequel of Ayushmann’s 2018 film Badhaai Ho.
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