TV czarina Ekta Kapoor has announced that she will be casting a new face for her upcoming film and would enter the ‘Bigg Boss 16’ house to look for the cast. Ekta also bid adieu to Tejasswi Prakash, who had bagged Ekta’s ‘Naagin’ Season 6 while she was in the Bigg Boss 15 house last season. As the show’s sixth season is wrapping up, Ekta penned an emotional note for Tejasswi, whom she tagged as Nagina.
Ekta wrote, “Lots of love for this nagina! Found her in the bigg boss house n in throes of corona n high fever n cough forced @colors n Manisha that I wanted to cast her!”
She is also excited to enter Bigg Boss 16 house to cast a new face for an upcoming film.
“Hopefully going to big boss for an exciting film announcement, let’s see who we find there this time #byebyyenagin.” In another video, sharing the promo of Naagin 6, she bid adieu to the show.