Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon’s well-kept secret seems to be finally out in the open after photos of her exotic Greece vacation with rumoured boyfriend Kabir Bahia went viral online. While the Mimi actress continues to remain silent, a new set of pictures have now surfaced in which she can be seen sitting next to Kabir and enjoying with their friends.
Kriti can be seen enjoying a scrumptious meal with Kabir and friends at a crowded eatery in the pictures, however, eagle-eyed fans spotted that the actress was also using a vape. In the viral photos, Kriti can be seen vaping while being engrossed in a conversation with Kabir.
In the earlier photos and videos that had gone viral, the actress was spotted smoking by netizens. It came as a surprise since Kriti’s mother Geeta Sanon had once claimed that her daughter was “anti-smoking”.
She had claimed that Kriti did not smoke and had also stated that the actress makes sure that the others around her quit smoking too.
However, in the midst of all the chatter, Kriti seems to be unbothered as she shared a slew of photos from the Greece vacation on Instagram on Wednesday. While Kabir was MIA in the pictures, the actress posed with her sister Nupur Sanon and other friends while flaunting her svelte figure in vibrant bikinis.
Kriti reportedly celebrated her birthday on July 27 in Greece with her gang.
Kriti and Kabir have been rumoured to be dating for quite some time now, and the buzz got intense after the two were spotted celebrating the New Year with MS Dhoni and Sakshi Dhoni in Dubai.
Deepika Padukone