Actor Satish Kaushik has been roped in to play activist and politician Jagjivan Ram in the upcoming film ‘Emergency’, where actress Kangana Ranaut will be seen essaying the role of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Talking about Satish Kaushik joining the film’s cast, Kangana says: “Jagjivan Ram was a very popular leader. One of the most loved and revered leaders of his times. When Mrs Gandhi refused his request of relaxing Emergency, he quit the Congress and there were grave consequences for her.” “That was his relevance. I needed somebody for this role who has his strength, his wit and his sarcasm. Satishji was an obvious choice for this role. I am looking forward to my scenes with him as an actor. They are some of the most engaging, entertaining and strong scenes in the film.” Directed by the actress, the film’s array of actors are a force to reckon with. Anupam Kher will be seen as the revolutionary leader J P Narayan, Shreyas Talpade essays the role of late politician Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Mahima Chaudhry will be seen playing the role of author Pupul Jayakar, Milind Soman will essay Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, Vishak Nair will be seen as Sanjay Gandhi.