Alleges Daszak funded People’s Liberation Army-controlled and operated “Wuhan Institute of Virology”
I.S. Saluja
NEW YORK CITY, NY (TIP): Covid19-survivor Ravi Batra sues “cover up artist” Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance Inc., and his immunologist wife Janet Cottingham in NYS Supreme Court, New York County, Index #157709/2021, for funding People’s Liberation Army-controlled and operated “Wuhan Institute of Virology” as it weaponized SARS-CoV2 with gain-of-function by transplanting cold-blooded Hetrothermic Bats’ Spike Glycoprotein(s) to make it highly transmissible and virulent, and inter alia, with NIAID Anthony Fauci’s thanked-for-help, covering up the Wuhan lab-leak in Summer and Fall 2019 to delay WHO’s timely alarm of a pandemic and demand every nation to impose “travel bans” in 2019, which would have prevented most people from being infected by SARS-CoV2, including, Batra, and China not to engage in its charade on December 30, 2019 at the Wuhan Wet Market.
The attached 80-plus page Verified Complaint explains the science, including, why “Bats are special,” that bat-bites or snakebites are naturally not transmissible, and that:
- Batra “cracked the case” on April 14, 2020 and wrote to POTUS Trump, via Deputy NSA Matt Pottinger, of why SARS-CoV2 is a “Trojan Horse” infection, as it has (the heterothermic) Bat’s “Spike”/“master key” to enter and infect a person’s body while fooling his/her immune system that “all is well,” so “T” soldier-cells stay sleeping instead of fighting the intruder-infection; asked CCP China to be held liable (per inter alia, International Health Regulations of 2005), and if we were deliberately “Pearl Harbored” with a biowarfare agent, to seek war reparations; and proposed amending the UN Charter to create a new UN Pandemic Council (UNPC), modeled on the UN Security Council (UNSC), but with 12 Permanent and 9/13 Rotating members from the 5 Regional Groups, and “the Veto” circumscribed to only be valid if supported by at least 1 Permanent Member from each Regional Group;
- Next day, April 15, 2020, POTUS launched America’s preliminary investigation of China’s PLA-controlled and operated Wuhan Lab for COVID19 Origins;
- Batra’s Letter, on April 13, 2021, to POTUS Biden seeking enforcement and updates;
- After out-of-control Delta-variant ravaging nations, including, India and China, Batra evolved on holding China liable, and on May 6, 2021, wrote to PM Modi to embrace Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” paradigm, in place of Tort and Crime & Punishment principles, so as to get President Xi Jinping to fully cooperate with Truth and Honor and help disarm this out-of-control biowarfare agent, an ICBM of a Virus; and inter alia
- On May 26, 2021 POTUS Biden ordered our Intelligence Community to report back by August 24, 2021 on Covid19 Origins. This Complaint helps the “Intel Community,” including DNI Avril Haines, better understand the actual scientific facts hiding in “plain sight” as “mumbo jumbo.” The Complaint’s attached “Schedule of Exhibits” lists 43 exhibits, including, Ralph Baric’s and Anthony Fauci’s damning self-inculpatory emails with Daszak, and inter alia, HFAC’s Ranker McCall’s recent Addendum on Covid19 origins.
The Verified Complaint details the gross negligence and negligence of defendants, serious life-long injuries secondary to being infected with Covid19, an opportunistic disease, such as diabetes and painful skin-ruptures, and seeks nominal, compensatory and punitive damages from defendants. who betrayed Americans and the world, to put them out of business. Courtesy Copies of this complaint are being sent to DNI Avril Haines, key Congress committee chairs, rankers and members, the distinguished Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and inter alia, NYS Attorney General Tish James, given her critical jurisdiction over the defendants’ “defrocking” misconduct: “Benedict Arnold” & 200+ “Pearl Harbor” combined.
Press Inquiry, contact: Ravi Batra, 914-882-6382; Twitter: @Ravi Batra
(With information provided by Ravi Batra)
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