Cyber Attacks

News, sports sites vulnerable to cyber attacks
LONDON (TIP): News and sports websites have some of the lowest levels of security adoption, making them vulnerable to cyber attacks, a new study has found. Researchers looked at the security protocols used by the top 500 sites in various industries […]

‘Obama warned Trump against Flynn as national security adviser’
‘Obama warned Trump against Flynn as national security adviser’ WASHINGTON (TIP): Former U.S. President Barack Obama warned then- President-elect Donald Trump not to give the post of national security adviser in his administration to Michael Flynn who was eventually fired […]

Hackers publish apparent scan of Michelle Obama’s passport
The White House says it is investigating a “cyber breach” after what appeared to be a scan of Michelle Obama’s passport was published online. The scan appeared to have been taken from a Gmail account […]

US targets overseas cyber attackers with new sanctions program
WASHINGTON (TIP): The Obama administration on April 1 launched the first-ever sanctions program to financially punish individuals and groups outside the United States that are engaged in malicious cyber attacks. US President Barack, in an […]

US attorney probes Mt. Gox, bitcoin businesses
NEW YORK (TIP): Manhattan attorney Preet Bharara has sent subpoenas to Mt. Gox, other bitcoin exchanges, and businesses that deal in bitcoin to seek information on how they handled recent cyber attacks, a source familiar […]

India’s Ability To Articulate Has Always Been Very High ASOKE K. MUKERJI
Q. Can you tell us a few high and low points of your career in Foreign Service so far? I joined the Indian Foreign Service 35 years ago. We were young then. We didn’t realize […]

Narasimha Rao had asked Kalam to be ready for nuclear test
NEW DELHI (TIP): Just two days before announcement of results of the 1996 general election, then prime minister P V Narasimha Rao had directed A P J Abdul Kalam, scientific adviser to the defence minister […]