What a great feeling to find Indian Independence is 72-year-old, stepping in to 73rdyear. Let us congratulate each other that India has withstood all weathers for 72 years and has come a long way from being an impoverished nation of .4 billion in 1947 to becoming a strong and self-sufficient nation of 1.3 billion in 2019.
From being one of the underdeveloped countries 72 years ago, India has steadily marched on to become one of the fastest developing countries. If the size of economy is an indicator of growth of a nation, India today is among the top 7 economies of the world. Projections are that she will be a USD500 trillion economy by 2024, and move on to become one of the top 3 economies of the world , behind China and Japan. What a coincidence that all top 3 economies in coming years will be from Asia.
India has dared to explore the mysteries of space , as Indians in the distant past did. India is the fourth country, after Russia, USA and China to explore the outer world in a big way. Recently, India created quite a flutter by sending Chandrayan 2 to Moon, which is expected to soft land on Moon in September.
When it comes to diplomacy, India has proven its mettle , time and again. India today is a potent voice in the comity of nations. She is heard with respect and her views and policies on international issues are often admired and followed which explains her presence in most alliances and organizations in the world.
Indian scientists , technologists , professionals and businessmen are leading figures in their respective fields across the world. In USA, some of the Fortune 500 companies are headed by persons of Indian origin. A Sundar Pichai is CEO of Google. A Satya Nadela is CEO of Microsoft. There are many more.
A lot has been achieved. Yet, a lot is to be done. India must ensure the benefits of growth percolate down to the lowest, the humblest and the poorest. The battle against poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy has yet to be won. India must work relentlessly to fulfill Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of “wiping every tear from every eye”.
Hope and wish, India will grow from strength to strength to become Vishwa Guru- World leader- in not too distant a future.
Happy Independence Day!
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