America needs to review its policy on supporting regimes given to violating human rights

Prof. Indrajit S. Saluja

The assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran, where he was a guest of the Iranian government for the swearing-in ceremony of the Iranian president, demands universal condemnation. This act is not only a gross violation of human rights but also a blatant infringement on the sovereignty of a nation. Israel, in its relentless pursuit to eliminate its enemies, both real and perceived, has continuously disregarded international norms and laws. This recent incident is part of a broader pattern of Israeli actions that defy legal and ethical boundaries.

Israel’s actions over the decades have been marked by numerous violations of international law. Here is a chronological overview of some of the notable incidents.

1956 Suez Crisis: Israel, alongside the UK and France, invaded Egypt to regain control of the Suez Canal. This invasion was condemned by the international community and marked the beginning of a pattern of aggressive Israeli military actions.

1967 Six-Day War: Israel launched preemptive strikes against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, occupying the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights. The occupation of these territories continues to be a point of contention and a violation of numerous UN resolutions.

1982 Lebanon War: Israel invaded Lebanon to drive out the PLO, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians. The Sabra and Shatila massacre, where Israeli-allied militia killed hundreds of civilians, remains a dark chapter in this conflict.

2006 Lebanon War: Israel’s bombardment of Lebanon in response to Hezbollah’s capture of two Israeli soldiers led to significant civilian casualties and widespread destruction of infrastructure, drawing criticism for disproportionate use of force.

2008-2009 Gaza War: Operation Cast Lead resulted in over 1,400 Palestinian deaths, many of them civilians, and extensive destruction in Gaza. The UN and human rights organizations condemned Israel for excessive and indiscriminate use of force.

2014 Gaza War: Operation Protective Edge caused over 2,200 Palestinian deaths, including many women and children, and left tens of thousands homeless. The UN Human Rights Council accused both Israel and Hamas of possible war crimes.

2021 Gaza Conflict: The eleven-day conflict in May resulted in over 250 Palestinian deaths, including 67 children, and severe damage to Gaza’s infrastructure. The international community criticized Israel for its heavy-handed response.

These incidents illustrate a pattern of Israeli actions that not only violate international law but also inflict severe humanitarian crises on the affected populations.

Israel’s audacious actions are significantly bolstered by unwavering support from the United States. The US has provided Israel with extensive military aid, diplomatic backing, and political support, enabling Israel to carry out its operations with relative impunity. The US has consistently vetoed UN Security Council resolutions critical of Israel, shielding it from international accountability.

The US provides Israel with approximately $3.8 billion annually in military aid, ensuring that Israel maintains a qualitative military edge in the region. This aid includes advanced weaponry, missile defense systems like Iron Dome, and funding for military research and development.

In the UN, the US has vetoed numerous resolutions aimed at holding Israel accountable for its actions. For instance, in 2018, the US vetoed a resolution calling for the protection of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

Successive US administrations have maintained strong political ties with Israel, often at the expense of a balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Trump administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem exemplify this bias.

The human toll of Israeli actions on Palestinians has been devastating. Thousands of Palestinians have been killed, many of them civilians, including women and children. Hundreds of thousands have been rendered homeless due to the destruction of homes and infrastructure. The blockade of Gaza has led to a humanitarian crisis, with severe shortages of food, medicine, and essential services.

The international community, including human rights organizations, has repeatedly condemned the Israeli occupation and its treatment of Palestinians. Reports by organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have documented widespread violations of human rights, including unlawful killings, arbitrary detention, and collective punishment.

It is imperative for the United States, as a leading global power, to reassess its unwavering support for Israel. The US must uphold the principles enshrined in its Constitution, including the promotion of human rights, justice, and the rule of law. Supporting a nation that consistently violates these principles undermines America’s credibility and moral standing in the world.

The US should lead by example in advocating for peace and justice. This includes holding Israel accountable for its actions, supporting legitimate peace efforts, and ensuring that US aid is not used to perpetuate conflict and human suffering.

History will not judge the US kindly if it continues to support policies and actions that result in widespread human suffering and violations of international law. It is time to stop this war and all wars. The US should focus on addressing its own domestic challenges rather than acting as the world’s policeman.
God bless America!

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